Review Problem Answers
The following lists the answers to the odd-numbered Review Problems.
Chapter 1: [1] independent; [3] a beaker of ice water; [5] to validate a
particular hypothesis and, in the process, to determine the range of validity
of that hypothesis; [7] (a) parameter, (b) independent, (c) independent or
extraneous, (d), (e), and (f) dependent
Chapter 2: [1] 4.0 µF; [3] 1 V; [5] 3.47 V; [7] current = Ampere; charge
= Coulomb; electric field work = Joule; electric potential = Volta; resistance
= Ohm; power = Watt; inductance = Henry; capacitance = Faraday; [9]
25.2 Ω; [11] 200; [13] deflection method; [15] compression on the lower-side
gage causes an increase in resistance; [17] 11 Ω; [19] (a) −50 W, (b) 33 W;
[21] 0.1 Ω/
R; [23] < 100 Ω; [25] (d)
Chapter 3: [1] radiator fluid temperature = physical variable; ther-
mistor = sensor; Wheatstone bridge = transducer; car computer = signal
processor; [3] 0.47 Ω; [5] 34.2 µF; [7] (c)
Chapter 4: [1] the larger-diameter thermocouple; [3] 25 %; [5] zero; [7]
; [9] (b); [11] (d); [13] 250; [15] (a) zero, (b) second, (c) second, (d)
first, (e) first, (f) zero; [17] overdamped (R > 2
L/C), critically damped
(R = 2
L/C), underdamped (R < 2
L/C); [19] (a) −6.47 x 10
, (b)
−5.74 × 10
, (c) −4.20 × 10
, thermistor; [21] 2; [23] 49.4
Chapter 5: [1] 31st-of-the-month birthday = 0.0192, August birthday
= 0.0849, February 29, 1979 birthday = 0, month-with-30-days birthday =
0.329; [3] 0.0625; [5] 1; [7] 2.4; [9] 0.4082; [11] (c); [13] the fourth central
moment; [15] 0.49 % with replacement, 0.47 % without replacement; [17] 31
Chapter 6: [1] 0.9544; [3] 0.1621; [5] 0.8742; [7] 0.149; [9] 99.94 %; [11]
10.82; [13] 28.6 %; [15] (d); [17] from 27 to 93; [19] 1 %; [21] 0.1359; [23]
0.1331; [25] both are nondimensional
Chapter 7: [1] readability; [3] player 3; [5] 0.004 59 kg m
; [7] 0.024 in.;
[9] 0.1 %; [11] 0.013; [13] 6; [15] 0.002; [17] 0.20 V; [19] 6 %; [21] 0.1 %; [23]
(1) with (c), (2) with (a), (3) with (b), (4) with (d)