Preface vii
zone-boundary phonons in graphene and carbon-nanotubes and their
interaction with electron from a theoretical point of view in Chapter 8.
The author has discussed at length the resistivity and conductivity limits
and the frequency shift and broadening properties related to various
phonon modes in graphene and carbon nanotubes.
In the nineth chapter, Enoki et al. investigate edge states of graphene
using UHV-STM/STS techniques. They have shown the unconventional
magnetic properties of the edge state in the zigzag edges using activated
carbon fibers consisting of 3D network of nanographene sheets. In the
subsequent chapter, K. Wakabayashi discusses theoretically the transport
properties of graphene nanoribbons. He has shown that the graphene
nanoribons with zigzag edges subjected to long-ranged impurities could
provide a perfectly conducting channel.
Tsukagoshi et al. have reviewed the experiments on graphene
transistor for its potential use as an atomic film switching device in
Chapter 11. They have discussed the preparation and characterization of
layered graphene structures and their novel fabrication technique of gate
electrodes specialized for the graphene system which is useful for
passing of high electric field in the transistor geometry. In Chapter 12,
K. Sengupta has theoretically analyzed the Kondo effect in graphene
which can be tuned by gate voltage. He argues that graphene might
provide the first example of experimental realization of non-Fermi liquid
ground states via multichannel Kondo effect. Chapter 13
contains the
work of Ghosh et al. on experimental studies of low frequency
fluctuations in electrical resistance of graphene based field-effect devices
with varying layer thickness. They have carried out measurements on the
low frequency resistance noise in bilayer graphene flakes as a function of
charge density and inter-electrode electric field, and analyzed their
results with an analytical model.
In Chapter 14, Shiraishi et al. have studied the spin transport
properties of single and multilayer graphene experimentally. They have
described in detail the generation of pure spin current in graphene and
the non-local spin transport. The book finishes with an overview by
Baskaran, who has discussed at length various unanticipated and
emergent properties of graphene because of complexity, theoretically. In
particular, he has reviewed the possibility and realization of spin-1