Graphene: Synthesis, Functionalization and Properties 7
method hydrazine hydrate (1 ml) is added to 100 ml of stable aqueous
exfoliated graphene oxide solution (1 mg/1 ml) and refluxed for 24 h.
The reduced GO turns black and precipitates at the bottom of the flask.
The resulting precipitate is filtered and washed with water and methanol.
Instead of using hydrazine hydrate one can also use ethylene glycol as a
reducing agent to prepare few-layer graphene (EG-H(G)). In this
procedure, the homogeneous mixture of 25 ml of exfoliated graphene
oxide and 2 ml of ethylene glycol is taken in a 50 mL PTFE-lined bomb.
The sealed autoclave is kept in an oven at 170°C for 24 h under
autogenous pressure and allowed to cool room temperature gradually.
The product is washed with water and ethanol.
Graphene can be prepared by heating nanodiamond in an inert or a
reducing atmosphere. The effect of heating nanodiamond at different
temperatures has been studied by Enoki et al., [37-38]. Annealing of
nanodiamond at high temperatures in an inert atmosphere produces
few-layer graphenes (DG) [35,37]. We have examined this procedure in
detail. In this preparation, we treated nanodiamond particles by soaking
in concentrated HCl before use in order to avoid contamination with
magnetic impurities. We heated 100 mg of pristine nanodiamond powder
(particle size 4-6 nm, Tokyo Diamond Tools, Tokyo, Japan) placed in a
graphite container was heated in a graphite furnace in a helium
atmosphere at different temperatures (1650, 1850, 2050 and 2200°C) for
1 hr. These samples are designated as DG-1650, DG-1850, DG-2050 and
DG-2200°C respectively. In Fig. 4 we show the TEM images of
the graphenes obtained by conversion of nanodiamond at different
temperatures. From an AFM study, we find that there is a slight increase
in the number of layers and a decrease in lateral dimensions in the
samples heated at 2200°C in comparison to 1650°C.
We have discovered that arc evaporation of graphite in the presence
of hydrogen yields graphene (HG) with exclusively 2-3 layers although
flake size is smaller having 100-200 nm [39].
This makes use of the
knowledge that the presence of H
during arc-discharge process
terminates the dangling carbon bonds with hydrogen and prevents the
formation of closed structures. To prepare HG direct current arc
discharge of graphite evaporation was carried out in a water-cooled
stainless steel chamber filled with a mixture of hydrogen and helium in