c hazel
A brown tinged with red.
c heather
Having the speckled purplish-grey-blue colour of heather.
n heat-induced colours
As some heated objects or substances become hotter they pass through
successive stages and change colour. This is an important factor, for example,
in the process of forging and tempering steel where the particular colour of the
heated steel indicates its temperature and the stage it has reached in the process.
Colour charts are used for this purpose. As regards, for example, the forging
and hardening of steel, such charts tell us that white indicates a temperature of
1200 degrees, and move down in stages through yellow, orange, red cherry to
brown-red indicating a temperature of 600 degrees. Polymers that change colour
by reference to heat are being developed at the University of Rhode Island, USA
and have numerous possible applications. Examples include road signs indicating
ice, clothing showing overheating, packaging which indicates the temperature
of food and parts which show overheating on vehicles or trains. Heat sensitive
polymers can be added to plastic, rubber, paint and other substances See also
pyrometer and colour plastic.
a hectic
The flush on the cheek; formerly feverish.
n helianthin
An orange-yellow dye.
c helio
A bright orange.
c helio fast pink
A pink coal-tar pigment similar to rose madder.
c helio fast red
A brilliant red coal-tar lake.