Computational Approaches to Cytochrome P450 Function
In summary, the above studies show that
the outcome of a given experiment depends on
the inteq)lay of the rate constants for substrate
binding, de-binding, monooxygenation, and tum-
bling. Being "free" or "restricted" has a relative
meaning depending on the timescale of the
various processes.
Still other approaches use MM/MD simulation
to study the dynamics of various processes associ-
ated with the water content of the protein pocket
and the entrance and exit of substrates therefrom.
The hydration of the protein cavity was studied by
Helms and Wade^"^ using MD simulations of the
followed by thermody-
namic integration. It was found that although
the cavity could hold, in principle, 10 water
molecules, the thermodynamically most favorable
water content in the pocket was 6 molecules; most
of them occupied the site of
sixth axial ligand
(distal ligand) and one was coordinated to Tyr^^.
The water molecules in the pocket were spread
over a larger volume than in bulk water, and were
theiefore more mobile than bulk water molecules.
MD simulations of the substrate entrance and exit
channels of
and P450^^yp were
studied by Ldemann et al?' ^ and Winn et alP.
In all cases, the major access channels were found
to coincide with the ones predicted from crystal-
lographic data based on thermal fluctuation fac-
tors (B factors) near the F/G loop and adjacent
helices. All these mechanisms involve backbone
motions and rotations that are specifically tailored
to the physico-chemical properties of the sub-
strate. In P450^^^, the channel is typified by small
backbone displacements (1.8-2.4 A) and aromatic
side-chain rotations of PhCg^,
andTyr29. In
the positively charged Arg^^ located in
the entrance of the channel makes a salt-link that
guides the negatively charged substrate via its
carboxylate group, while in P450 p, the Arg^g^
residue rotates and, by making intraprotein hydro-
gen bonds, gates the channel opening. Will such
entrance/exit studies eventually account for the
specificity of the P450 isozymes, as hoped by the
MM modeling community? It is a question that
merits a proof of principle. Should this turn out to
be the right approach to the problem, then all the
chemical details of P450 activation would be
immaterial to its action. As shown below, this is
certainly not the case.
MM and MM/MD Studies of
An MD simulation technique was applied by
Audergon et alP to analyze the regio- and stereo-
selectivities of hydroxylation of the {\R)- and
(l»S')-norcamphor by
X-ray structures of
the substrate-enzyme complex for the two enan-
tiomers of camphor showed that {\R) is oriented
with its C5 atom pointing toward the heme iron,
exhibits significant disorder. Despite
the different substrate-binding conformations of
the two enantiomers, both are known to give
exclusively exo-C5-hydroxylation. To resolve this
apparent inconsistency between the two sets of
experimental results. Das et al?^ performed MD
simulation on the substrate binding of these two
camphor enantiomers to P450^^^. The results^^ for
both enantiomers revealed the strong orienting
effect of the hydrogen bond to Tyr^^. However,
while the {\R) enantiomer gave one stable struc-
the {IS) enantiomer had greater mobility
in the active-site pocket. In addition, the {\R)
enantiomer was found to orient with its C5 atom
pointing toward the heme iron, whereas this was
not the case for the (1»S) enantiomer. These differ-
ences accounted for the X-ray structural findings.
To address the apparent inconsistency between the
experimental X-ray and reactivity data, the simu-
lation was repeated with a water molecule as the
sixth ligand. The presence of the water molecule
was found to reorient the {\S) enantiomer with
a C5 contact to the heme. This result was inter-
preted by the authors as a resolution of the
inconsistency, based on the contention that regio-
selectivity ultimately depends on the orientation
of the substrate vis-a-vis the ferryl oxygen of
Cpd I. The same technique was employed for
the monooxygenation of styrene by P450^^
(ref. [87]) where a good fit was obtained between
product distribution and the docked conformation.
MD simulation studies by Harris and Loew^^
were used to rationalize the regiospecificity of
hydroxylation of camphor and a variety of other
substrates. A series of trajectory calculations were
performed for the enzyme-substrate interactions,
and these results were coupled with relative
stability of the organic radical intermediates
to predict the product distributions. In a recent
paper, Park and Harris^^ employed an integrated