F. Peter Guengerich
The mice exhibit a complex phenotype with
abnormal lipid excretion, skin pathologies, and
behavioral irregularities. The cholesterol levels
were not altered. Interestingly, vitamin D3 and E
levels were low to undetectable.
A new era in the regulation of P450 7A1 began
with reports of the involvement of some of the
orphan steroid receptors. The proximal promoter
region interacts with LXRa. The oxysterols 24(S)-
hydroxycholesterol and 24(»S)-epoxycholesterol
activate LXRa (and LXRP)^^26 Further, mice
devoid of LXRa fail to induce CYP7A1 transcrip-
tJQj^i027 j^Q other proteins, FXR and CPF, are
also involved^^^^"^^^^. Chenodeoxycholate, a bile
acid derived from cholesterol, interacts with
FXR to suppress CYP7A1 transcription^^^^
However, the action of FXR has been reported to
be indirect^^^^ PXR binds lithocholic acid and
downregulates CYP7A1 (ref [1032]). Thus, cho-
lesterol metabolites control their synthesis in the
liver through feedback suppression of CYP7A1
(ref [1028]). Hylemon^^^^ has concluded that the
dominant factor is LXRa. CPF binds to the
promoter (as a monomer) and leads to CYP7A1
transcription^ °^^.
Other studies have addressed the role of
PPARa in P450 7A1 downregulation'^"^^.
However, differences exist between humans and
mice gene responses have been observed, with the
mouse gene showing an enhanced response to lig-
ands because of an additional binding site'^^^ (fur-
ther, humans have much less PPARa than
rodents^o^^). Chiang^^^^ analyzed the PPARa
response and provided evidence that the downreg-
ulation by PPARa-agonist complex is due to com-
petition with HNF-4 for the DR-1 sequence.
The regulation of P450
by other factors has
been considered. Downregulation by TNFa has
been interpreted in the context of MEKKl, an
upstream nitrogen-activated protein kinase, affect-
ing HNF-4 (ref [1038]). The same mechanism may
be involved in the repression by endotoxin and
interleukin-1 (ref [1039]). A novel CYP7A1 site
appears to be involved in the repression of
by thyroid hormone
Studies with rats indi-
cate differences in the regulation of P450 7A1 and
P450 27A1, a sterol 27-hydroxylase^^4i Human
CYP7A1 expression is also repressed by insulin and
phorbol esters *^^^. Estrogen (100 juig/kg/week)
increased hepatic cholesterol 7a-hydroxylation 2.7-
fold in ovariectomized baboons ^^^^. Retinoic acid
increased (rat) CYP7A1 expression in a reporter
In addition to the mouse CYP7A1 knockouts,
work has been done with overexpression in
1046 j^Q
^j^ jjQt exhibit altered
cholesterol levels
The lack of an LXR element
in a region (—56 to -49) of the human promoter
may dictate some of the differences seen in mouse
and human models. With regard to humans, one
study of biopsy samples from gallstone patients
led to the conclusion that there was no correlation
between levels of total bile acids and P450 7A1
activity^^'^''. A correlation was seen with levels of
chenodeoxycholic acid.
A long-standing observation from rodent stud-
ies is the apparent circadian rhythm of P450 7A1
(ref [1048]). This phenomenon has been sug-
gested to be indicative of a short halflife of the
enzyme^^^^' *^^^. The phenomenon has also been
reported in nonhuman primates^^^^. The circadian
rhythm can be demonstrated at the level of actual
P450 7A1 in rats^^^^. The molecular mechanism
of the rhythm is still not clear. One aspect is the
instability of P450 7A1 in microsomes {in vitro),
with a /,/2 of ~l-2hr in humans and rats^^^^.
Alternatively, the mRNA has a short /,/2 and the
circadian rhythm can be seen at the mRNA
jgyg|i054 Another unresolved aspect of P450 7A1
research is the issue of phosphorylation, postu-
lated early in the field^^^^. In vitro experiments
with microsomes show some effects of various
treatments^^^^' '^^^. More recent work with micro-
somes and recombinant proteins also shows
effects'^^^, although the in vivo significance is yet
Polymorphisms in the coding and noncoding
regions of
CYP7A1 gene are known'^^^. Some
have been associated with clinical changes'^^^, but
others have not'^^'.
6.37.3. Substrates and Reactions
The classic reaction of P450 7A1 is choles-
terol 7a-hydroxylation^^, and esterified choles-
terol is not a substrate ^^^^. However, recent
experiments have established that the enzyme
also catalyzes the 7a-hydroxylation of
24-hydroxycholesterol, with preference for the
(»S)-isomer^^^^. 7a-Hydroxylation (with recombi-
nant human P450 7A1) was observed with 20(5)-
hydroxycholesterol, 25-hydroxycholesterol, and