F. Peter Guengerich
steady-state reaction kinetics or binding) seen
with the addition of a single compound to an
enzyme. The most typical type is a sigmoidal, or
"S-shaped" curve, which when analyzed by a Hill
plot (v =
yields a value for « > 1
is an approximation of the usual K^, or "pos-
itive cooperativity." Examples of "negative coop-
erativity" are less common but documented (n <
1) as in a case with rabbit P450 1A2 (ref. [214]).
The other phenomenon is "heterotropic coopera-
tivity," described above as "stimulation," where
two compounds are added to an enzyme and one
enhances the catalytic action of the enzyme on
the other. In some cases, both homotropic and
heterotropic cooperativity can be operative^^^.
Homotropic cooperativity was seen in the oxi-
dation of aflatoxin Bj by P450 3A4 (ref [832]).
The previously reported stimulation of P450 3A4
activities by aNF^^"* was not seen for some reac-
and the A^-oxygenation of 4, 4'-methylene-
Z?/5(2-chloroaniline) was inhibited^^^. Subsequently,
studies with aflatoxin B^ oxidation showed that
3a-hydroxylation was inhibited and 8,9-(exo)-
epoxidation was stimulated by aNF^^^' '^^^.
Aflatoxin B^ (or an analog) did not modify the
5,6-epoxidation of aNF, however. Interestingly,
the positive cooperativity seen in Hill plots for the
oxidation of aflatoxin B^ (for both reactions) was
eliminated in the presence of
The values
for n in the Hill plots (2.1-2.3) are probably the
highest for any P450 apparent cooperativity
reported to date. Most are much lower. One tech-
nical issue of particular note is that those reactions
that proceed too far at low substrate concentra-
tions will show apparently low rates (due to sub-
strate depletion or product inhibition) and
artificial sigmoidicity can be created.
Many seemingly unusual P450 3A4 reactions
and patterns have been reported (vide supra).
P450 3A4-catalyzed testosterone 6p-hydroxyla-
tion and erythromycin A^-demethylation are not
very competitive^^^. Hydroxylation of meloxicam
is stimulated by another substrate, quinidine^^^.
Lu and his group showed that inhibition patterns
for several known P450 3A4 reactions were
substrate dependent^^^. Similar discrepancies
were reported by Weinkers' laboratory^^^. The
(mechanism-based?) inactivation of P450 3A4 by
diclofenac was stimulated by the substrate quini-
^jj^g838 Qj^g interpretation of some of the results
is that a single active site accommodates two (or
more substrates), and many of the data can be fit
to a model with this much freedom (basically
Michaelis-Menten expression with two values
each for
and K^, or insert of proportionality
factors before the parameters)^^^"^"*^.
Halpert's laboratory has changed a number of
the amino acids in P450 3A4, based mainly upon
homology modeling, and found that several can
alter the homotropic and the heterotropic cooper-
ativity. These residues include Ala305 (ref [844]),
Asp214 (ref [845]), Serll9, Ala370,
Ile301 (ref [846]), and possibly some others as
well^"^^. A general conclusion from much of this
work is that two or possibly three ligands co-
occupy the binding site and alter each other's
juxtaposition to generate some of the observed
effects. One problem with much of the work in
this field is that actual binding phenomena are
not necessarily investigated. However, binding has
been analyzed in some of the work^^^'
shown to exhibit homotropic and heterotropic
cooperativity. Further, combinations of binding
and inhibition results obtained with several lig-
ands in this laboratory were consistent with a
scheme in which three ligand subdomains exist in
the overall binding site of P450 3A4 (ref [831]),
in agreement with the current hypotheses of
Halpert^"*^. More evidence consistent with such a
model is available from a fluorescence study by
Atkins and Weinkers^"^^, in which pyrene-pyrene
stacking spectra were observed. This work pro-
vides some of the stronger evidence to support the
"multiple-substrate site" model.
A crystal structure of bacterial P450 107A1
has been solved with two ligand molecules pres-
ent^"^^. The binding titration shows homotropic
cooperativity^"^^ and also some heterotropic coop-
erativity^^^. Because the redox partner of P450
107A1 is not known, obtaining reasonable cat-
alytic activity is difficult and the relevance to
P450 3A4 is still not definite^^^.
Another aspect and possibly another solution
to the issue comes from work by Friedman using
flash photolysis kinetics (of CO rebinding after
photodissociation from ferrous P450 3A4). The
kinetics were multiphasic and were selectively
altered by the presence of different substrates^^^
Heterotropic effects were observed with
pyrene and aNF^^^. The interpretation of the
results is that different substrates differentially
modulate these kinetics by (a) changing the P450