Human P450s
significance, although P450 2C9 probably does
not have a critical function in normal physiology.
Tolbutamide metabolism had been reported to dis-
play polymorphism^^^, which was an impetus to
purify the protein catalyzing the hydroxylation^^^.
deletion in the coding region lowered
catalytic activity in a recombinant enzyme"^^^.
A number of P450 2C9 SNPs have been identi-
fied"^^^ and their racial linkage has been explored"^^^.
P450 2C9 polymorphism has been reviewed
recently^^^' ^^^ and the reader is referred to these
reviews and to the website http://www.imm.ki.se/
Cypalleles/ for more details. Of some interest, in
addition to the *2 and *3 alleles with generally
lower catalytic activity, is the *5 allele (of higher fre-
quency in Africans) with lower catalytic activit)^^^.
Some of the SNPs occur in the 5'-flanking region
and attenuate the expression of P450 2C9 (ref
Also of interest is
unusual phenomenon in
which the CYP2C18 exon
locus is fused with
combinations of exons and introns from
yield chimeric RNA transcripts^^^. Finally, linkage
between CYP2C8 and CYP2C9 genetic polymor-
phisms has been reported"^^^.
6.9.3. Substrates and Reactions
P450 2C9 is one of the major P450s involved
in drug metabolism (Figures 10.3 and 10.4). Some
aspects of substrate specificity have been
reviewed by Miners and Birkett^^^. A more exten-
sive recent compendium of substrates has been
developed by Rendic^^.
One of the early substrates examined
toin, which undergoes 4-hydroxylation^. P450s
2C19 and 2C18 (R. Kinobe and E.M.J. Gillam,
personal communication) can also catalyze this
reaction but P450 2C9 is the major catalyst"^^^.
Recently, Mansuy's group has used the P450
2C9 inhibitor sulfaphenazole to build a substrate
common to all four P450 2C subfamily enzymes^^^.
Some compounds normally in body are
oxidized by P450 2C9, including linoleic acid
(epoxidation)"^^^ and vitamin A (all-^ra«5-retinoic
acid, 4-hydroxylation)'*^^, although the physiolog-
ical significance is unknown.
Several reactions have been used as in vivo
probes, including tolbutamide, warfarin, flurbi-
profen, and losartan^^^.
One substrate of recent interest is celocoxib,
a cyclooxygenase (C0X)-2 inhibitor (Celebrex®).
P450 2C9 is the major catalyst of oxidation, and
polymorphisms affect the in vivo pharmacokinetic
parameters'^ ^'^^^.
Several aspects of P450 2C9 reactions are of
concern regarding interpretation of results, at least
in in vivo research. One issue is the effect of sol-
vents on catalytic activity'^^. A concentration of
(v/v) CH3CN markedly inhibited the catalytic
activity of P450 2C9 (ref [423]). Another issue is
the enhancement of most reactions by b^ (ref.
Further work also showed that apo-Z)^
(devoid of heme) was as effective as ^5 (ref
arguing against a need for electron trans-
fer. Other work showed that even other P450s
could enhance the rates of some P450 2C9 reac-
even though those P450s did not catalyze
the reactions
These results are rem-
iniscent of some of the interactions of rabbit
P450s 1A2 and 2B4 reported by Backes'^^ and are
still unexplained.
Other work with P450 2C9 has provided evi-
dence for cooperativity in some reactions, although
the area has not been as developed as for P450 3A4
Dapsone and some analogs enhance the
binding and 4-hydroxylation of diclofenac"^^^' '^^.
However, the activity of P450 2C9 toward dapsone is
unaffected by diclofenac, in a situation similar
of P450 3A4, aflatoxin B^, and aNF'29 jy^^ jj^^er-
pretation that P450 2C9 uses two binding sites in
these interactions is probably valid"^^^, although (as
with P450 3A4) the mechanism remains to be eluci-
dated (including the exact nature of the binding).
6.9.4. Knowledge about Active Site
The point should be made before detailed con-
siderations of site-directed mutagenesis, etc., that
changes in particular residues of P450 2C9 yield
markedly different effects depending on the sub-
strate and reaction under consideration. For
instance, the polymorphism *3 (I359L), which
appears to be very conservative, changed catalytic
efficiencies of different reactions by factors of
3-27-fold {in
Although the *2 and *3
polymorphisms cause considerable changes with
some substrates, diclofenac metabolism is not
altered^^^ consistent with the in vitro findings.
With the above caveats, roles of a number of
amino acids have been examined with several reac-
although extrapolation to more reactions