Vaccines "&%
(iv) The crowding-out effect: Vaccines may be inactivated when multiple vaccines are
(v) Choice of test animal: The test animal in evaluating a vaccine is of paramount impor-
tance. The vaccine must be able to induce antibody production in the animal being used.
(vi) The route of administration: This may be important in determining the efficiency of
the response.
It is important that some differences between vaccine production and routine industrial
fermentations be discussed in order to emphasize its uniqueness.
(i) The cells used in vaccine manufacture are usually pathogenic and therefore complete
sterility must be maintained. Furthermore, while contaminants may merely hinder
production in other industrial fermentations, in vaccine production, contaminants
may mean the introduction of an undesirable organism into the human body.
(ii) The fermentation is usually small (25-1,000 liters) compared to, say, antibiotic
fermentation (500,000 liters). This is because the amount required per person is
usually small.
(iii) Potency cannot be determined during cultivation, hence reproducibility during
production is viewer the less very essential.
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