Fermentors and Fermentor Operation #
When the microorganism used in a fermentation is new, experimentation must be carried
out to determine conditions for its maximum productivity. It is usual to initiate the
studies in a series of conical flasks of increasing size and to progress through a 10-20 liter
fermentor to a pilot plant (100-500 liter) and finally to a production plant (10,000-
200,000 liters). The processes involved in the increasing scale of operation culminating in
the production plant are known as scaling up.
On the other hand, in a well-established fermentation procedure, any change to be
introduced must be experimented on and tested out in a pilot plant whose function is to
simulate the conditions and structures of the production plant. This procedure is often
referred to as scaling down. The processes of scaling up and scaling down are essentially
in the domain of the chemical engineer who depends on data supplied by the
Information gathered at the shake flask stage is used to predict requirements in the
pilot plant which itself serves a similar purpose for the production plant. The optimum
requirements of medium composition, aeration, temperature, redox potential, pH,
foaming, etc., are determined and extrapolated for the next higher scale. The pilot
fermentor is also used for training new recruits in the fermentation industry; it may also
be used for continuous fermentation where a large enough number of them exist.
One approach which helps facilitate translation of information from the pilot plant to
production is to reproduce the production plant as a geometrical replica of the pilot plant.
Baffles, agitators, etc., are increased exactly according to a predetermined scale. This,
however, does not entirely solve the problem because the mere increase in volume
immediately poses its own problems. If the same level of productivity as encountered in
the pilot study is to be maintained, then agitation and aeration may be applied at a level
higher than that expected in a proportional increase in the production fermentor.
The conditions needed for the development of industrial fermentations often differ from
those in the production plant. This is because except in a few examples where the cells
themselves are the required product, e.g., in single cell protein, or in yeast manufacture,
most fermentation products are metabolites. Cells to be used must be actively growing,
young and vigorous and must therefore be in the phase of logarithmic growth. Since
organisms used in most fermentations are aerobes, the inocula will usually be vigorously
aerated in order to encourage maximum cell development, although they may need less
aeration in subsequent incubation. The chemical composition of the medium may differ
in the inoculum and production stages. The inoculum usually forms 5-20% of the final
size of the fermentation. By having an inoculum of this size the actual production time is
considerably shortened.
The initial source of the inoculum is usually a single lyophilized tube. If the content of
such a tube were introduced directly into a 100,000 liter pilot fermentor, the likelihood is
that it would take an intolerably long time to achieve a production population, during