&$ Modern Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
that even if the broth were entirely saturated with oxygen it would contain only a 15
second supply for the organisms. In other fermentations, the aeration requirement need
not be as intense but must be presented to the organisms at a controlled level. The
foregoing would have shown that oxygen control in industrial fermentations is as
important as pH, temperature and other environmental controls.
The air used in most fermentation is sterile and produced as discussed in Chapter 11.
However, in some fermentations where sterility is not necessary such as in yeast
fermentation, the air is merely scrubbed by passing it through glycerol. The air used in
fermentation, whether, sterile or not, is forced under pressure into the bottom of the
fermentor just below the lowest impeller the air enters through a sparger which is a pipe
with fine holes. The smaller the holes the finer the bubbles and the more effective the
supply of oxygen to the microorganisms. However, if the holes are too small, then a
greater pressure will be required to force the air through, with consequent higher
consumption of energy and therefore of costs. A balance must be struck between wide
holes which may become plugged and holes small enough to release fine bubbles.
Plugging by hyphae of filamentous fungi or by other particles in the medium may occur.
Usually holes of about 0.25-3.0 cm in diameter meet this compromise. Since the size of the
holes is fixed, the amount of oxygen fed into the medium (usually measured in feet/sec)
can be controlled by altering the pressure of the incoming air.
For many fermentations especially where filamentous fungi and actinomycetes are
involved, or the broth is viscous, it is necessary to agitate the medium with the aid of
impellers. In large-scale operations, where aeration is maintained by agitator-created
swarms of tiny air bubbles floating through the medium, the cost is very high and for this
reason careful aeration is done based on mathematical calculations conducted by
chemical engineers.
Agitators with their attached impellers serve a number of ends. They help to distribute
the incoming air as fine bubbles, mix organisms uniformly, create local turbulence, as
well as ensure a uniform temperature. The optimal number and arrangement of impellers
have to be worked out by engineers using information from pilot plant experiments. The
viscosity of the broth affects the effectiveness of the impellers. Since the viscosity of the
broth may alter as fermentation proceeds, a satisfactory compromise of size, shape, and
number of impellers must be worked out. In unbaffled fermentors a vortex or inverted
pyramid of liquid forms and liquid is thrown up on the side of the fermentor. The result is
that heavier particles sediment and thorough agitation is not achieved. The insertion of
baffles helps eliminate the formation of a vortex and interferes with the upward throw of
liquid against the side of the fermentor. A similar effect can be observed by stirring a cup
of coffee or water rapidly with the handle of a spoon and inserting the handle of the
spoon thereafter along the side of the cup. If four spoon ends were stuck simultaneously
in the (storm in a ) tea cup (!) the effective mixing of the liquid can be easily visualized. The
use of baffles thus ensures not only a more thorough mixing of the nutrient and air but
also the breakup of the air bubbles. In order to understand the importance of fine bubbles,
it is important to appreciate the several barriers through which oxygen must theoretically
pass before reaching the organism in the two film gas model which is commonly used
(Fig. 9.2).
These barriers are indicated in Fig. 9.2 and include the following:
(i) Gas-film resistance between gas and interface;