Study of Metabolism of Fluorine-containing Drugs 509
spectroscopic studies. In many respects, the analytic characterization of a potential
responder has evolved into the concept of personalized medicine.
F MR examinations of patients with liver tumors or metastases, the receive coil
sensitive volume typically encompassed the tumor, a signifi cant portion of normal tissue,
and possibly surrounding organs (such as the gallbladder, spleen, kidney, etc.). Initial
fi ndings of tumor trapping were based predominantly on large superfi cial liver tumors or
metastases that were evaluated by a surface coil placed in close proximity to the tumor.
However, since the sensitive region of the coil encompasses a considerable amount of
normal liver tissue, unequivocal proof of drug retention by the tumor was not possible.
This information required spatial localization and motivated technological improvements
to increase SNR and resolve the problems associated with chemical shift artifact [5, 24,
38, 56, 59] .
Because of the relatively low concentration of 5 - FU metabolites in vivo , it was chal-
lenging to perform volume - selective
F MR spectroscopy prior to technological advances.
An average 2 - fl uoro - β - alanine (FBAL) concentration of 0.92 ± 0.26 mmol/kg liver for the
fi rst 50 min post infusion was observed for doses varying from 750 mg to 2000 mg [43] ,
with a mean maximum concentration of 1.31 ± 0.33 mmol/kg liver, or, in a separate study,
1.0 ± 0.2 mM FBAL in the liver at 60 ± 10 min post infusion [56] .
To detect 5 - FU metabolism in the different liver regions, single - voxel acquisitions,
and 1D, 2D, or 3D chemical shift imaging (CSI) have been employed. CSI utilizes gradient
magnetic fi elds for spatial localization, identical to imaging techniques. Because the fi rst
gradient encoding (slab selection or 1D CSI) is based on frequency selectivity, the large
Larmor frequency differences between the 5 - FU and its metabolites results in chemical
shift artifacts along the slice select direction. This artifact means that the FBAL signal arises
from a spatially different slice from where the 5 - FU signal originates. At 1.5 T, the spatial
shift between 5 - FU and FBAL was 2.3 cm [5] . Methods to circumvent chemical shift arti-
facts include frequency - selective excitation RF pulses or frequency selective presaturation
RF pulses to isolate
F MR signal detection to only one chemical species [48 – 50, 56] .
In spite of the challenge presented by low in vivo concentrations and the chemical
shift artifact, spatially localized
F spectroscopy studies in the liver of patients receiving
5 - FU chemotherapy enabled advancement of the understanding of 5 - FU metabolism and
trapping. In addition, a catabolic resonance originating from the gallbladder was identifi ed
[57] , confi rming extrahepatic catabolism of 5 - FU. At 1.5 T, 2D CSI techniques with 8 × 8
localization voxel volumes of 6 cm × 6 cm × 4 cm (144 cm
) were acquired in 12.8 min
using a pulse repetition time (TR) of 60 ms and 12 800 excitations [50, 56] . 3D CSI local-
ization with voxel volumes of 4 cm × 4 cm × 4 cm (64 cm
) were acquired in 8.5 min using
a TR of 1 s and 512 excitations [50] or in 45 min using a TR of 260 ms and 10 240 excita-
tions [35] . Even smaller voxel volumes of 3 cm × 3 cm × 3 cm (27 cm
) were achieved in
45 min with double resonance (
H –
F) spectroscopy and an 8 × 8 × 8 resolution 3D CSI
acquisition [50] . However, the long acquisition times (45 min) for the 27 cm
acquisition precluded assessment of 5 - FU pharmacodynamics in vivo .
In vivo application of double resonance (
H –
F) spectroscopic techniques [50, 73,
74] , including a combination of NOE and proton decoupling, have proved to increase
SNR, which can be traded off for improved visibility or improved spatial or temporal
resolution of fl uorinated compounds. The double resonance decoupling, NOE, and
polarization transfer techniques used in vivo are similar to those used in solid state