460 Fluorine in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology
of fl uorinated N - terminal residues. Nevertheless these structures contribute additional
insight into the molecular recognition between fl uorinated amino acids and proteins.
In conclusion, the application of DFM and TFM to bioorganic chemistry has led to
new information on how fl uorinated compounds interact with enzymes, has provided novel
F NMR biophysical probes for use in biochemistry, and has led to subtle structurally and
electronically modifi ed analogues of methionine with which to probe enzymes. The addi-
tion of several fl uorine atoms to a simple structure such as methionine has certainly led
to an interesting series of adventures in bioorganic chemistry.
The author gratefully acknowledges the past and present contributions of his undergradu-
ate and graduate students, research associates, and collaborators. Funding from NSERC
(Canada) and the University of Waterloo is also gratefully acknowledged.
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