174 Fluorine in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology
protected with Thp groups to afford 25 , which was subsequently treated with sodium
hydroxide to yield arabinoside 13 . Treatment of 13 with DAST in the presence of pyridine
gave 2 ′ - α - fl uoro compound 26 in 57% yield, which was deprotected to afford 2 ′ - deoxy -
2 ′ - α - fl uorouridine ( 4 ). Compound 4 was reacted with various alkyl halides such as benzyl
bromide and 2 - chloro - 4 ′ - fl uoroacetophenone to give the corresponding N
- alkyl deriva-
tives 27a – d [39] . Although these derivatives exhibited hypnotic activity, they were weaker
than the corresponding uridine derivatives. Since these derivatives are considered to have
the 3 ′ - endo conformation ( J
– 2
= 3.5 Hz), the 2 ′ - hydroxyl group seems to be important for
the hypnotic activity.
7.3 Syntheses and Antiviral Activities of F dd A and F dd G
7.3.1 Synthetic Issues Regarding 2 ′ - Deoxy - 2 ′ - b - fl uoroarabinosides
To introduce a β - fl uoro group at the C - 2 ′ position of a ribonucleoside, one may fi rst try
an S
2 reaction of a fl uoride ion with a 2 ′ - hydroxyl group activated as a leaving group,
such as trifl ate. However, in most cases, its nucleobase (both pyrimidine and purine) pre-
vents this reaction because (a) steric hindrance of the nucleobase interrupts the nucleo-
philic (F
) attack from the top face, and (b) the nucleobase reacts intramolecularly with
its own sugar moiety. Therefore, 2 ′ - β - fl uoro substitution is generally more diffi cult than
the corresponding α - fl uoro substitution. Attempted synthesis of pyrimidine 2 ′ - deoxy - 2 ′ - β - fl uoroarabinosides
In the case of pyrimidine nucleosides, the S
2 reaction of 2 ′ - O - activated ribonucleoside
(e.g., 2 ′ - trifl ate) forms a 2,2 ′ - O - cyclo bond prior to substitution of a nucleophile such as
fl uoride ion. Therefore, with the hope of suppressing this intramolecular substitution, the
2 reaction of 2,5 ′ - O - cyclouridine derivative 28 , which places a trifl ate group at C - 2 ′ ,
was attempted (see Scheme 7.8 ). However, unexpectedly, a 5 ′ - substituted 2,2 ′ - O - cyclo
derivative 29 was obtained [40] . The reaction mechanism to form 29 can be explained as
follows. The nucleophilic attack at C - 5 ′ of 28 forms a 5 ′ - substituted intermediate, which
causes an intramolecular substitution of the 2 - oxo group at C - 2 ′ to give 29 . In some cases,
the introduction of an electron - withdrawing group at the N - 3 position is effective for
reducing the nucleophilicity of the 2 - oxo group. Only one successful example has been
reported by Matsuda and co - workers, in which an N
- benzoyl derivative 30 was condensed
with hydrogen azide using a Mitsunobu reaction to give 2 ′ - α - azido analogue 31 [41] .
However, no fl uorination studies using the S
2 - type reactions like this have been reported.
Therefore, the development of an effective method for suppressing the nucleophilicity of
the 2 - oxo group is still a challenging theme in the chemistry of pyrimidine nucleosides
(the details were reviewed by Pankiewicz et al. [14] .). Synthetic Issues Regarding Purine 2 ′ - deoxy - 2 ′ - β - fl uoroarabinosides
The purine base also disturbs nucleophilic substitution at the sugar moiety, but the degree
of this disruption is controllable. The nucleophilicity of the N - 3 atom was reduced by the