Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 54 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 54, 2007
carbonate rocks, graphite schist, iron formation and
stratiform sulphide occurrences across the region.
Svecofennian subduction-generated calc-alka-
line andesites and related volcaniclastic sedimen-
tary units were deposited around 1.9 Ga in the
northern Fennoscandia in a subaerial to shallow-
water environment. In the Kiruna area, the 1.89 Ga
Kiirunavaara Group rocks (formerly Kiruna Por-
phyries) are chemically different from the andesites
and are geographically restricted to this area. The
Svecofennian porphyries form host to apatite-iron
ores and various styles of epigenetic Cu-Au occur-
rences including porphyry Cu-style deposits (Wei-
hed et al. 2005).
The up to 10 km thick pile of Palaeoproterozoic
volcanic and sedimentary rocks was multiply de-
formed and metamorphosed contemporaneously
with the intrusion of the 1.89–1.87 Ga granitoids.
Anatectic granites were formed during 1.82–1.79
Ga, during another major stage of deformation and
metamorphism. Large-scale migration of fluids of
variable salinity during the many stages of igne-
ous activity, metamorphism and deformation is ex-
pressed by regional scapolitisation, albitisation and
albite-carbonate alteration in the region. For ex-
ample, scapolitisation is suggested to be related to
felsic intrusions (Ödman 1957), or to be an expres-
sion of mobilised evaporates from the supracrustal
successions during metamorphism (Tuisku 1985,
Frietsch et al. 1997, Vanhanen 2001).
Since Hietanen (1975) proposed a subduction
zone dipping north beneath the Skellefte district,
many similar models have been proposed for the
main period of the formation of the crust during the
Svecokarelian (or Svecofennian) orogeny roughly
between 1.95 and 1.77 Ga (e.g. Rickard & Zweifel
1975, Lundberg 1980, Pharaoh & Pearce 1984, Ber-
thelsen & Marker 1986, Gaál 1986, Weihed et al.
1992). This orogeny involved both strong rework-
ing of older crust within the Karelian craton and,
importantly, subduction towards NE, below the
Archaean, and the accretion of several volcanic arc
complexes from the SW towards NE. Recently, sub-
stantially more complex models for crustal growth
at this stage of the evolution of the Fennoscandian
Shield have been proposed (e.g. Nironen 1997,
Lahtinen et al. 2003 2005). The most recent model
for the Palaeoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the
Fennoscandian Shield involving five partly over-
lapping orogenies was presented by Lahtinen et al.
(2005). This model builds on the amalgamation of
several microcontinents and island arcs with the Ar-
chaean Karelian, Kola and Norrbotten cratons and
other pre-1.92 Ga components. The Karelian craton
experienced a long period of rifting (2.5–2.1 Ga)
that finally led to continental break-up (c. 2.06 Ga).
The microcontinent accretion stage (1.92–1.87 Ga)
includes the Lapland-Kola and Lapland-Savo orog-
enies (both with peak at 1.91 Ga) when the Kare-
lian craton collided with Kola and the Norrbotten
cratons, respectively. It also includes the Fennian
orogeny (peak at c. 1.88 Ga) caused by the accre-
tion of the Bergslagen microcontinent in the south.
The following continental extension stage (1.86–
1.84 Ga) was caused by extension of hot crust in the
hinterlands of subduction zones located to the south
and west. Oblique collision with Sarmatia occurred
during the Svecobaltic orogeny (1.84–1.80 Ga).
After collision with Amazonia, in the west, during
the Nordic orogeny (1.82–1.80 Ga), orogenic col-
lapse and stabilization of the Fennoscandian Shield
took place at 1.79–1.77 Ga. The Gothian orogeny
(1.73–1.55 Ga) at the southwestern margin of the
shield ended the Palaeoproterozoic orogenic devel-
Despite these new, refined models of the Palaeo-
proterozoic evolution between 1.95 and 1.77 Ga,
the tectonic evolution of the northern part of the
Karelian craton, i.e. the part north of the Archaean-
Proterozoic palaeoboundary, is still rather poorly
understood in detail.
PalaeoPRoteRozoIc 2.45–1.97 Ga
GReeNStoNe beltS
The Palaeoproterozoic Lapland greenstone belt,
which overlies much of the northern part of the Ar-
chaean craton, is the largest coherent greenstone
terrain exposed in the Fennoscandian Shield (Fig
1). It extends for over 500 km from the Norwegian
northwest coast through the Swedish and Finnish
Lapland into the adjacent Russian Karelia in the
southeast. Due to large lithostratigraphic similari-
ties in different greenstone areas from this region
and the mainly tholeiitic character of the volcanic
rocks, Pharaoh (1985) suggested them to be coeval
and representing a major tholeiitic province. Based