Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 54 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 54, 2007
tion rocks of the Savukoski Group. All of the iron
oxide-copper-gold deposits are located near to fault
or shear zones that crosscut or lie along the contact
between the intrusions and supracrustal rocks.
Iron oxide-copper-gold deposits
Five of the known deposits and prospects in
Kolari contain significant amounts of copper and/or
gold: Cu-Rautuvaara, Hannukainen, Kuervitikko,
Rautuoja, and Lauttaselkä (Figs. 1 and 2). The geo-
logical setting in all of these is similar, except at
Lauttaselkä, which seems to completely be in Lain-
io Group rocks. The general characteristics, grades,
and tonnages for the first four are given in Table 1.
The ores are hosted by diopside skarn and in
Deposit/Prospect Hannukainen Rautuvaara Kuervitikko Rautuoja
Size & Grade Total ca. 66 Mt @ 0.2–4 g/t
Au, 0.1–2 % Cu, 40–55 % Fe.
Laurinoja ore body, Au-Cu
production: 4.56 Mt @ 1 g/t Au,
0.88% Cu
2.8 Mt @ 0.48 %
13.3 Mt @ 0.20 %
Cu, 46.8 % Fe;
4.5 Mt @ 42.7 %
Fe, 0.81 % Mn
1.2 Mt @ 1 ppm
Au, 0.3 % Cu
1.9 Mt @ 0.34
ppm Au, 0.19
% Cu, 36.7
% Fe
Enriched elements
in the ore
Fe, Cu, Au, S ± Ag, Bi, Ba, Co,
Mo, Sb, Te, LREE, Zn
Fe, Cu, S ± Au,
Ba, Bi, Mo, Se,
Th, Te, U, LREE,
Fe, Cu, Au, S ±
Ba, Bi, Mo, Se,
Te, Zn
Fe, Cu, Au, S
Ore minerals Mgt, Py, Po, Cpy ± Moly, Au,
Mgt, Po, Py, Cpy
± Ura
Mgt, Py, Cpy,
Mgt, Po, Py,
Gangue Di, Bt, Ab, Hbl, ± Sca, Oli, Cc,
Ap, Ep
Di, Ab, Atf, ± Hbl,
Bt, Chl, Ap
Di, Ab, Hbl, ±
Bt, Chl, Cc, Ep,
Not reported
Host rock(s) Diopside skarn Diopside skarn,
Ab-Atf rock
Diopside skarn Diopside skarn
Major wall rocks Diorite, Mac meta-lava, Qtz-Ab
Diorite, Mac
meta-lava, Ab-Atf
Diorite, Mac
meta-lava, Qtz-
Ab rock
table 3.
Grades tonnages and general characteristics of the Laurinoja, Cu-Rautuvaara, and Kuervitikko IOCG
quartz-albite rocks. Variably altered diorite intru-
sion forms the hanging wall, and mafic metalava,
quartz feldspar schist, mica gneiss, and quartzite
comprise the footwall rocks. Other rock types in
the ore zones are granitic pegmatite and albitite.
Figures 3 and 4 show typical wall and host rocks
and ore samples from the known Kolari IOCG de-
Data from Hiltunen (1982), Keinänen (1995),
Puustinen (2003), Korkalo (2006), Niiranen (2005),
and Niiranen et al. (2007). Mineral abbreviations:
Ab = albite, Ap = apatite, Atf = anthophyllite, Au =
gold, Bt = biotite, Cc = calcite, Chl = chlorite, Cpy
= chalcopyrite, Di = diopside, Ep = epidote, Hbl =
hornblende, Oli = olivine, Mgt = magnetite, Moly
= molybdenite, Po = Pyrrhotite, Py = Pyrite, Tell =
tellurides, Sca = scapolite, Ura = uraninite.