Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 54 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 54, 2007
composition of the sulphide fraction, PGe ratios
and chondrite-normalised distribution patterns
The concentrations of sulphur and base and no-
ble metals in the type samples (A) and their values
when recalculated to 100% sulphides (B), are pre-
sented in Table 1. The element concentrations, also
recalculated to 100 % sulphides, marked by C in
Table 1, represent the means of a large number of
The massive sulphide deposits at the base of the
Suhanko Intrusion, except for Ahmavaara, proved
to be poor in nickel and copper, as their concentra-
tions in the sulphide fraction ranged from 0.48 to
Ni(wt.%) Cu S Os(ppb) Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd Au
Portimo Dykes and sulphide disseminated marginal series
Portimo Dykes, A 0.025 0.093 0.183 3.0 0.5 - 2.0 510 2200 47
n=1 B 5.0 18.5 36.5 598 99.7 399 101 700 438 700 9370
Konttijärvi A 0.056 0.239 0.323 8.6 19.0 14.2 92 1 300 4 070 240
marginal series, (0.040) (0.170) (0.200) (8.3) (12.9) (10.0) (72) (710) (3 260) (110)
n=5 B 6.1 25.9 35.0 930 2 060 1 540 9 970 140 800 440 900 26 000
C’ 5.4 14.4 36.7
Massive sulphide deposits of marginal series
Ahmavaara, A 2.00 0.719 25.8 20 50 44 357 1 510 11 030 104
n=3 (0.46) (0.400) (4.5) (11) (18) (23) (81) (710) (2 870) (90)
B 3.0 1.1 39 30 76 67 540 2 280 16 700 160
C 2.7 2.4 37 2 120 15 200
Suhanko, A 0.919 0.807 20.7 30 64 64 222 207 1 230 7.3
n=3 (0.140) (0.240) (3.8) (20) (27) (41) (60) (76) (184) (2.5)
B 1.7 1.5 39.1 57 120 120 420 390 2 320 14
C 1.5 2.4 37
A 0.284 0.143 23.3 25 8.5 89 24 485 5.0
n=2 (0.010) (0.060) (7.2) (2.8) (3.5) (22) (21) - (21) (2.8)
B 0.48 0.24 39.5 42 14 151 41 820 8.5
C 0.94 0.63 37
Niittylampi, A 1.67 0.305 32.7 23 79 36 550 136 835 19
n=2 (0.06) (0.030) (0.7) (5.7) (9.9) (11) (14) (83) (7.1) (11)
B 2.0 0.37 39.2 28 95 43 660 160 1 000 23
C 2.2 1.6 37 870 2 190
Yli-Portimojärvi, A 0.456 0.575 24.9 111 199 171 930 7.0
n=2 (0.160) (0.540) (12.1) - (154) - (271) (127) (636) (5.7)
B 0.72 0.91 39.4 180 310 270 1 470 11
layered series
Siika-Kämä Reef
A 0.080 0.360 0.454 32 65 47 330 2 850 9 980 337
n=4 (0.074) (0.191) (0.229) (14) (35) (36) (151) (1 125) (6 120) (324)
B 6.2 27.7 34.9 2 460 5 000 3 610 25 370 219 000 766 900 25 910
Rytikangas Reef, A 0.063 0.249 0.291 28 32 24 171 1 630 7 240 207
n=5 (0.080) (0.190) (0.330) (27) (24) (18) (123) (427) (2 460) (145)
B 7.4 29.3 34.2 3 290 3 760 2 820 20 100 191 600 850 900 24 300
C’’ 6.4 38.7 33.0
Mineralized upper A 0.035 0.231 0.492 23 27 76 53 605 1270 40
Suhanko layered (0.020) (0.090) (0.110) (3.5) (5.0) (14) (7.0) (105) (290) (0)
series, n=2 B 2.7 17.9 38.2 1 790 2 100 5 900 4 120 47 000 98 600 3 100
table 1.
A: Average whole-rock Ni, Cu, S, PGE and Au concentrations for selected type samples, with standard deviation in
parentheses; B: concentrations in the type samples (n, number of samples), recalculated to 100% sulphide; C: metal concentra-
tions in a large number of samples, recalculated to 100% sulphide. See text for further information. Data from Iljina (1994) and
from references therein.