Perses (king of the Taurians) 110
Perseus (hero) passim; identified
with Bellerophon 61; catasterism
of 74–7; childhood of 24–6;
Christian reception of 32–3,
136–8; conception of 18–19; death
of 32–3; equipment of 43–7; as
Eurymedon 59; exposure of
19–20; in fine art 138–43; heroon
of 103; as pirate 122;
rationalisation of his myth 121–6;
sacred recorders of 102–3; as
‘Slayer’ 40; in tragedy 13–18,
40–42, 69–72; tricked by
Polydectes 26–8; war against
Dionysus of 28–32; watchtower
of 113
Perseus (king of Macedon) 115–16
Persia 8–9, 76, 84–5, 105, 109–12,
115–16, 126
Persinna 86
Persis, Perso 57, 60
petasos 40, 45, 68; see also Cap of
phallus 25, 135, 141–2
Phanodemus 30
Pherecydes of Athens 4–7, 14, 18, 23,
25–6, 42, 43, 47–8, 56–7, 68–9,
83–4, 103, 106–7
Pherse 118
Philip II of Macedon 115
Philip V of Macedon 115–16
Philochorus 30
Philodemus 85
Philostratus Imagines 70, 79, 83,
85–6, 89, 93
Phineus, brother of Cepheus 6, 50,
53, 73, 98, 112, 117, 126; P. in the
Argonautic myth 63–4
Phoenix 126
Phoenodamas 93
Phorcides see Aeschylus, Graeae
Phorcys (Phorcus) 5, 35, 57–9, 121,
124, 132
Phormus Cepheus/Perseus 80
Phronime 21
Phrygia 120; P. Catacecaumene 61
Phrynichus (comic poet) 79
Phrynichus II (tragedian) 72
Picus 110–11, 119
Pilumnus 119
Pindar 23, 27–8, 41, 48, 51, 54–5, 61,
Pitys 112
Pliny the Elder Natural History 52,
71, 83, 117, 123
Plutarch 29, 30, 54, 102, 112,
Polycrateia 116
Polydectes 5–6, 16–17, 25–8, 41,
50–1, 53, 63–5, 105, 115, 119
Polyidus 49, 51
Polymnestus 21
Pompeii 73, 82, 115, 119
Pomponius Mela 117
Pontus 118
Porphyrios 87
Poseidon 6, 35–6, 55–6, 59, 73, 83,
93, 95
Pratinas 41
Priam 94
Procles (hero) 107
Procles of Carthage 125
Procopius 87
Proetus 7, 20, 22–4, 31–3, 61–2, 103;
daughters of 31
Prometheus 73
psychoanalysis 134–5
Ptolemies 94, 116–17, 126
Publius Antius Antiochus 120