X Preface to the first edition
presents important chromatographic methods for the preparation of proteins and
other biomolecules. Many biophysical studies require this form of sample prepa-
ration and often a lot of time can be saved by using optimized procedures of
sample purification. Mass spectrometry (Chap. 3) is important for the quality con-
trol in preparations of biomolecules, but also has a variety of further analytical
applications. Chaps. 4–7 focus on methods for the chemical and structural char-
acterization of biomolecules. X-ray crystallography (Sect. 4.1.2) probably offers
the highest resolving power for large biomolecules and biomolecular complexes,
but it requires the preparation of high-quality crystals. Cheaper is infrared spec-
troscopy (Chap. 5) which may also comparably easily be applied in the fast time
scale. Electron microscopy (Chap. 6) is particularly suitable for the structural
resolution of complex biological systems at the size level of cells, cell organelles,
and large molecular complexes. Different types of scanning probe microscopes
(Chap. 7) can generate images of geometrical, mechanical, electrical, optical, or
thermal properties of biological specimens with up to sub-nm resolution. In
Chap. 8 (biophysical nanotechnology) we find novel methods for the mechanical
characterization of individual biomolecules and for the engineering of novel
nanotechnological structures and devices. The next two chapters (proteomics,
Chap 9; and ion mobility spectrometry, Chap. 10) concentrate on two types of
analytical methods for the characterization of complex samples such as human
cells or bacteria. Finally Chap. 11 deals with some novel developments regarding
the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with humans. Kinetics methods in
biophysics were not much emphasized throughout the book since many of them
can be found in the monograph "Protein Folding Kinetics" (Nölting, 2005). The
reader may refer to this monograph for more information on protein structure,
transitions state theory in protein science, and on a variety of kinetic methods for
the resolution of structural changes of proteins and other biomolecules.
Prof. Dr. Alan R. Fersht supported the development of a variety of modern
biophysical methods in our extremely fruitful collaboration at Cambridge
University. Prof. Dr. Robert Huber and Prof. Dr. Max F. Perutz initiated highly
inspiring discussions regarding modern applications of protein X-ray crys-
tallography. I am particularly indebted to Prof. Dr. Calvin F. Quate, Prof. Dr.
Steven G. Sligar, and Prof. Dr. Joseph W. Lyding for an introduction into the
AFM technology.
I am indebted to Prof. Dr. Joachim Voigt, Prof. Dr. Martin H. W. Gruebele,
Prof. Dr. Kevin W. Plaxco, Dr. Gisbert Berger, and Dr. Min Jiang for proof-
reading the manuscript, and to Dr. Marion Hertel for processing the manuscript
within Springer-Verlag.
Berlin, July 2003 Bengt Nölting