44 3 Mass spectrometry
3.1.6 Ionization, ion transport and ion detection
Common methods of ionization are electrospray (Fig. 3.11), MALDI (Fig. 3.6),
electron bombardment, ion bombardment, and chemical ionization. Ions are
mainly guided by electrostatic lenses and quadrupole or octopole ion guides (Fig.
3.12). With the exception of FTMS, the ion signals emerging from the mass
analyzer of the MS are commonly detected with an electron multiplier (Fig. 3.13).
In FTMS the cyclotroning ions are indirectly detected by measuring and Fourier-
transforming the voltage signal they induce into receiver electrodes.
Fig. 3.11
Electrospray ionization method. Analyte solutions delivered by liquid chroma-
tography or a syringe pump are sprayed through the narrow, heated capillary leading into
the mass spectrometer. A voltage of typically 200 V – 5 kV is applied between capillary
and orifice in front of the electrostatic lenses. Ions form in vacuum by evaporation of the
analyte solution of charged droplets
Fig. 3.12
High frequency octopole ion guide for the injection of ions into an ion trap MS.
Compared with a quadrupole ion guide, it enables a higher precision of guidance