The operations resources perspective
The fourth and final perspective we shall take on operations strategy is based on a particu-
larly influential theory of business strategy – the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm.
Put simply, the RBV holds that firms with an ‘above-average’ strategic performance are likely
to have gained their sustainable competitive advantage because of the core competences (or
capabilities) of their resources. This means that the way an organization inherits, or acquires,
or develops its operations resources will, over the long term, have a significant impact on its
strategic success. Furthermore, the impact of its ‘operations resource’ capabilities will be at
least as great as, if not greater than, that which it gets from its market position. So under-
standing and developing the capabilities of operations resources, although often neglected, is
a particularly important perspective on operations strategy.
Resource constraints and capabilities
No organization can merely choose which part of the market it wants to be in without
considering its ability to produce products and services in a way that will satisfy that market.
In other words, the constraints imposed by its operations must be taken into account.
For example, a small translation company offers general translation services to a wide range
of customers who wish documents such as sales brochures to be translated into another
language. A small company, it operates an informal network of part-time translators who
enable the company to offer translation into or from most of the major languages in the
world. Some of the company’s largest customers want to purchase their sales brochures on a
‘one-stop shop’ basis and have asked the translation company whether it is willing to offer
a full service, organizing the design and production, as well as the translation, of export
brochures. This is a very profitable market opportunity; however, the company does not
have the resources, financial or physical, to take it up. From a market perspective, it is good
business; but from an operations resource perspective, it is not feasible.
However, the operations resource perspective is not always so negative. This perspective
may identify constraints to satisfying some markets but it can also identify capabilities which
can be exploited in other markets. For example, the same translation company has recently
employed two new translators who are particularly skilled at web site development. To exploit
this, the company decides to offer a new service whereby customers can transfer documents
to the company electronically, which can then be translated quickly. This new service is a ‘fast
response’ service which has been designed specifically to exploit the capabilities within the
operations resources. Here the company has chosen to be driven by its resource capabilities
rather than the obvious market opportunities.
Intangible resources
An operations resource perspective must start with an understanding of the resource cap-
abilities and constraints within the operation. It must answer the simple questions, what
do we have, and what can we do? An obvious starting point here is to examine the trans-
forming and transformed resource inputs to the operation. These, after all, are the ‘building
blocks’ of the operation. However, merely listing the type of resources an operation has does
not give a complete picture of what it can do. Trying to understand an operation by listing
its resources alone is like trying to understand an automobile by listing its component parts.
To describe it more fully, we need to describe how the component parts form the internal
mechanisms of the motor car. Within the operation, the equivalent of these mechanisms is
its processes. Yet, even for an automobile, a technical explanation of its mechanisms still
does not convey everything about its style or ‘personality’. Something more is needed to
describe these. In the same way, an operation is not just the sum of its processes. In addition,
the operation has some intangible resources. An operation’s intangible resources include
such things as its relationship with suppliers, the reputation it has with its customers, its
knowledge of its process technologies and the way its staff can work together in new product
and service development. These intangible resources may not always be obvious within the
Resource-based view
Chapter 3 Operations strategy
Intangible resources
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