Mtoto hayuko skuli, amekwenda kwao The child is not at school, he has gone back
home (to their place)
Maskini hana kwao The poor man has no home (at their's)
Ngoja niulize ofisini kwao Wait that I ask at his office (at their office)
EXERCISE 1 : Translate into Swahili :
Father's child, Mother's children, my mother's bag, my parents' house, the child's ball, the children's plates, my
sister's ustensils, my brother's garment, the pupils' food, his father's car, my mother's drugs, my comrade's
face, my comrades' faces, a village of fishermen, a charcoal bag, a 4 gallon can of onions, a kilo of meat, the
way to the house, the well of the village, Swahili lessons.
My child, my children, my car, my house, my work, your village, your uncle, your friends, your father, your bag,
your dog, her husband, his wife, her comrades, his shop, his money, our comrades, our house, our school, our
city, our ministers, your country (plur), your car (plur), your children (plur), your songs (plur), your pupils (plur),
their clothes, their house, their faces, their comrades.
Mine (bag), mine (mother), yours (ball), mine (pupils), his (field), yours (chickens), ours (car), hers (sheets),
ours (clothes), yours (village), yours (plur) (cows), theirs (hospital), theirs (crops), his (blanket), hers (cups).
Translate into English :
Ninakwenda zangu.1.
Mama hayumo jikoni mwake.2.
Kwenu ku wapi ?3.
Mtoto hayuko skuli, amerudi kwao.4.
Mtu huyo mkorofi amechukua mkoba wangu.5.
Kwetu kuna mahindi mengi.6.
Mkoba huo wa nani ? - Ni wa kwangu.7.
Twende zetu haraka !8.
Huyo maskini hana kwao.9.
Uko peke yako ? - Ndiyo, wenzangu wamekwenda zao.10.
Chapter 29 http://mwanasimba.online.fr/E_Chap29.htm
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