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DNA interactions, providing “time-lapse views” of the assembly of protein–
DNA complexes. Laser-induced reactions, as opposed to those generated by
conventional UV sources, proceed via the higher (S
and T
) excited states of
nucleotide bases, which are induced by the rapid sequential absorption of two
photons. This leads to a higher quantum yield of cationic radicals and to higher
crosslinking efficiencies (6,8–10). Although the photochemistry is still not
understood, UV-laser irradiation probably also induces mechanisms of
crosslinking that simply cannot occur when using conventional light sources
(6,10). In a typical UV crosslinking experiment, 5–15% of UV-laser-irradiated
protein–DNA complexes are crosslinked (6,10,11), nearly two orders of mag-
nitude higher than with conventional UV sources (4,5,8,10,12). UV-laser-
induced crosslinking produces exclusively protein–DNA adducts (4,6,8,9) and
is applicable to a broad range of protein–DNA complexes. Even complexes too
weak to be seen by methods such as gel shift (electrophoretic mobility shift
assay [EMSA]) or footprinting can be crosslinked. In fact, only nonspecific
protein–DNA interactions with association constants of less than 10
/M are not
crosslinked (4,6).
1.2. Practical Applications
Photocrosslinking induced by UV-laser irradiation has been applied to mea-
sure binding constants (6), to map the extent of protein–nucleic acid binding
sites (6), to determine protein–DNA (5,6) and protein–RNA (9) interactions,
and to identify protein–DNA contacts (13). It was found possible to study the
weak DNA-ATPase complex from the T4 DNA replication system by UV-
laser crosslinking despite this complex being invisible to DNase I footprinting
(6). UV-laser crosslinking has also provided data on the distribution of chro-
mosomal proteins in vivo (8). The presence of the histones and the high-mobil-
ity group 1 proteins on the Xenopus ribosomal DNA was determined and shown
to be regulated (8,14,15). Only the N-terminal domains of the histones were
found to be crosslinked to DNA, and hyperacetylation of these domains did not
affect their interaction with the DNA (14–16). An excellent guide to the prac-
tical application of in vitro laser protein–DNA crosslinking can be found in the
methodological review by von Hippel and co-authors (6). It is likely that new
developments in the use of femtosecond lasers will provide important improve-
ments to the use of UV-laser crosslinking (17 and see Chapter 63).
1.3. The Experimental Approach
Here, we describe a procedure used to induce histone–DNA crosslinking in
cell nuclei and to determine the DNA sequence distribution of the various his-
tone fractions. The procedures used are quite general and could well be applied
to study any type of protein–DNA complex. Indeed, we have essentially used a