Combined SW–Nuclease Footprinting 141
7. Salmon/herring sperm or calf thymus DNA (Sigma or Boehringer).
8. Singly
P end-labeled DNA probe bearing the binding site(s) of interest (see
Note 5). All necessary precautions should be observed to minimize exposure to
ionizing radiation during labeling and isolation of the probe; work behind protec-
tive screens whenever possible.
9. Radioactive ink: Mix a small amount of
P with waterproof black drawing ink,
to a concentration of approx 200 cps (on a Geiger counter) per microliter.
10. 0.22-µm membrane filters (Millipore, Bedford, MA).
11. Mini-slab gel electrophoresis apparatus, giving 0.5- to 1.0-mm-thick mini-gels
(e.g., Bio-Rad Mini Protean II system), and accompanying equipment.
12. High-current (2–3 A) power supply (e.g., Bio-Rad or Hoefer, San Francisco, CA)
and electroblotting apparatus for Western transfer (e.g., Bio-Rad Trans-Blot);
additional equipment for Western transfer (11).
13. Nitrocellulose membrane: suitable membranes comprised of unsupported or sup-
ported nitrocellulose are available from a number of manufacturers, such as
Schleicher & Schuell (Keene, NH; BA85, 0.45 µm), Millipore (Immobilon-NC),
and Amersham (Hybond-C/C extra).
14. Plastic trays.
15. Forceps.
16. Plastic wrap such as cling film or Saran Wrap
17. X-ray film (e.g., Kodak X-Omat AR, Rochester, NY).
18. Additional equipment: protective gloves/glasses/respirator, 4°C shaking air
incubator, sonicator, 25°C shaking air incubator, Geiger counter, Kimwipes, all
equipment for autoradiography.
2.2. Exposure of SW Blots to DNase I Treatment
2.2.1. Solutions
1. Eppendorf tube siliconization solution: 2% (v/v) dimethyldichlorosilane in 1,1,1-
trichloroethane (BDH). Eppendorf tubes should be silanized by briefly immers-
ing the opened tubes in a beaker containing this solution, pouring off excess
solution, and allowing the tubes to dry in air at room temperature. Dimethyl-
dichlorosilane is particularly toxic. Gloves, safety glasses, respirator, and other
protective clothing should be worn when handling it and should only be used in a
chemical fume hood.
2. Solutions 1, 12, and 15–17 of Subheading 2.1.1.
3. DNase I (stock solution): Dissolve DNase I in 50% glycerol (in distilled, deion-
ized water) to a concentration of 2.5 mg/mL. Store frozen in 10-µL aliquots at –20°C
or –70°C. This stock is stable indefinitely.
4. 1 M CaCl
5. DNase I reaction buffer: 10 mM MgCl
and 5 mM CaCl
. Store at room temperature.
6. DNase STOP solution A: 20 mM HEPES·KOH, pH 7.5, 20 mM EDTA, and 0.5%
(w/v) SDS. Store at 4°C.
7. 5 M NaCl.
8. DNase-STOP solution B: 60 mM HEPES
KOH, pH 7.5, 0.6 M NaCl, 60 mM
EDTA, 1.5% (w/v) SDS. Store at 4°C.