Further Problems in Loci 225
The trochoid has relevance to naval architects. Certain inverted trochoids approxi-
mate to the profile of waves and therefore have applications in hull design.
The superior trochoid is the locus of the point on the outside rim of a locomotive
wheel. It can be seen from Fig. 15.4 that at the beginning of a revolution this point
is actually moving backwards. Thus, however quickly a locomotive is moving, some
part of the wheel is moving back towards where it came from.
The Involute
There are several definitions for the involute, none being particularly easy to follow.
An involute is the locus of a point, initially on a base circle, which moves so that
its straight line distance, along a tangent to the circle, to the tangential point of con-
tact, is equal to the distance along the arc of the circle from the initial point to the
instant point of tangency.
Alternatively , the involute is the locus of a point on a straight line when the
straight line rolls round the circumference of a circle without slipping.
The involute is best visualised as the path traced out by the end of a piece of cot-
ton when the cotton is unrolled from its reel.
A quick, but slightly inaccurate, method of plotting an involute is to divide the
base circle into 12 parts and draw tangents from the 12 circumferential divisions,
Fig. 15.6 . Measure
of the circumference with dividers. When the line has unrolled
Involute (Method 1)
Figure 15.6