572 Chapter 9
Gas Power Systems
The maximum temperature in the cycle is 2200 K and the
compression ratio is 8. Determine
(a) the heat addition, in kJ.
(b) the net work, in kJ.
(c) the thermal efficiency.
(d) the mean effective pressure, in bar.
(e) Develop a full accounting of the exergy transferred to
the air during the heat addition, in kJ.
(f) Devise and evaluate an exergetic efficiency for the cycle.
Let T
5 290 K, p
5 1 bar.
9.4 Plot each of the quantities specified in parts (a) through
(d) of Problem 9.3 versus the compression ratio ranging
from 2 to 12.
9.5 Solve Problem 9.3 on a cold air-standard basis with specific
heats evaluated at 300 K.
9.6 A four-cylinder, four-stroke internal combustion engine
operates at 2800 RPM. The processes within each cylinder
are modeled as an air-standard Otto cycle with a pressure of
14.7 lbf/in.
, a temperature of 808F, and a volume of 0.0196 ft
at the beginning of compression. The compression ratio is
10, and maximum pressure in the cycle is 1080 lbf/in.
Determine, using a cold air-standard analysis with k
5 1.4,
the power developed by the engine, in horsepower, and the
mean effective pressure, in lbf/in.
for maximum cycle temperatures ranging from 2000 to
50008R and compression ratios of 6, 8, and 10.
9.10 Solve Problem 9.9 on a cold air-standard basis using
5 1.4.
9.11 Consider an air-standard Otto cycle. Operating data at
principal states in the cycle are given in the table below. The
states are numbered as in Fig. 9.3. The mass of air is 0.002 kg.
(a) the heat addition and the heat rejection, each in kJ.
(b) the net work, in kJ.
(c) the thermal efficiency.
(d) the mean effective pressure, in kPa.
State T (K) p (kPa) u (kJ/kg)
1 305 85 217.67
2 367.4 767.9 486.77
3 960 2006 725.02
4 458.7 127.8 329.01
9.12 Consider a cold air-standard Otto cycle. Operating data
at principal states in the cycle are given in the table below.
The states are numbered as in Fig. 9.3. The heat rejection
from the cycle is 86 Btu per lb of air. Assuming c
0.172 Btu/lb ? 8R, determine
(a) the compression ratio.
(b) the net work per unit mass of air, in Btu/lb.
(c) the thermal efficiency.
(d) the mean effective pressure, in lbf/in.
State T (8R) p (lbf/in.
1 500 47.50
2 1204.1 1030
3 2408.2 2060
4 1000 95
9.13 Consider a modification of the air-standard Otto cycle in
which the isentropic compression and expansion processes
are each replaced with polytropic processes having n
5 1.3.
The compression ratio is 9 for the modified cycle. At the
beginning of compression, p
5 1 bar and T
5 300 K and
5 2270 cm
. The maximum temperature during the cycle
is 2000 K. Determine
(a) the heat transfer and work in kJ, for each process in the
modified cycle.
(b) the thermal efficiency.
(c) the mean effective pressure, in bar.
9.14 A four-cylinder, four-stroke internal combustion engine
has a bore of 2.55 in. and a stroke of 2.10 in. The clearance
volume is 12% of the cylinder volume at bottom dead center
and the crankshaft rotates at 3600 RPM. The processes
within each cylinder are modeled as an air-standard Otto
cycle with a pressure of 14.6 lbf/in.
and a temperature of
1008F at the beginning of compression. The maximum
temperature in the cycle is 52008R. Based on this model,
calculate the net work per cycle, in Btu, and the power
developed by the engine, in horsepower.
9.15 At the beginning of the compression process in an air-
standard Otto cycle, p
5 1 bar and T
5 300 K. The maximum
9.7 An air-standard Otto cycle has a compression ratio of 8
and the temperature and pressure at the beginning of the
compression process are 5208R and 14.2 lbf/in.
, respectively.
The mass of air is 0.0015 lb. The heat addition is 0.9 Btu.
(a) the maximum temperature, in 8R.
(b) the maximum pressure, in lbf/in.
(c) the thermal efficiency.
(d) To investigate the effects of varying compression ratio,
plot each of the quantities calculated in parts (a) through (c)
for compression ratios ranging from 2 to 12.
9.8 Solve Problem 9.7 on a cold air-standard basis with specific
heats evaluated at 5208R.
9.9 At the beginning of the compression process in an air-
standard Otto cycle, p
5 14.7 lbf/in.
and T
5 5308R. Plot
the thermal efficiency and mean effective pressure, in lbf/in.
Fig. P9.6
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