436 Chapter 8
Vapor Power Systems
Examples to follow illustrate that the change in specific enthalpy for the expansion
of vapor through the turbine is normally many times greater than the increase in
enthalpy for the liquid passing through the pump. Hence, the back work ratio is
characteristically quite low for vapor power plants.
Provided states 1 through 4 are fixed, Eqs. 8.1 through 8.6 can be applied to determine
the thermodynamic performance of a simple vapor power plant. Since these equations
have been developed from mass and energy rate balances, they apply equally for actual
performance when irreversibilities are present and for idealized performance in the
absence of such effects. It might be surmised that the irreversibilities of the various
power plant components can affect overall performance, and this is the case. Accordingly,
it is instructive to consider an idealized cycle in which irreversibilities are assumed
absent, for such a cycle establishes an upper limit on the performance of the Rankine
cycle. The ideal cycle also provides a simple setting in which to study various aspects of
vapor power plant performance. The ideal Rankine cycle is the subject of Sec. 8.2.2.
ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT The United States currently relies on relatively
abundant coal supplies to generate half of its electricity (Table 8.1). A large fleet of
coal-burning vapor power plants reliably provides comparatively inexpensive electricity
to homes, businesses, and industry. Yet this good news is eroded by human-health and environmental-
impact problems linked to coal combustion. Impacts accompany coal extraction, power generation,
and waste disposal. Analysts say the cost of coal-derived electricity would be much higher if the
full costs related to these adverse aspects of coal use were included.
Coal extraction practices such as mountaintop mining, where tops of mountains are sheared
off to get at underlying coal, are a particular concern when removed rock, soil, and mining debris
are discarded into streams and valleys below, marring natural beauty, affecting water quality, and
devastating CO
-trapping forests. Moreover, fatalities and critical injuries of coal miners while
working to extract coal are widely seen as deplorable.
Gases formed in coal combustion include sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, which contribute
to acid rain and smog. Fine particles and mercury, which more directly affect human health, are other
unwanted outcomes of coal use. Coal combustion is also a major contributor to global climate change,
primarily through carbon dioxide emissions. At the national level, controls are required for sulfur
dioxide, nitric oxides, and fine particles but not currently required for mercury and carbon dioxide.
Solid waste is another major problem area. Solid waste from coal combustion is one of the
largest waste streams produced in the United States. Solid waste includes sludge from smoke-
stack scrubbers and fly ash, a by-product of pulverized coal combustion. While some of this waste
is diverted to make commercial products, including cement, road de-icer, and synthetic gypsum
used for drywall and as a fertilizer, vast amounts of waste are stored in landfills and pools contain-
ing watery slurries. Leakage from these impoundments can contaminate drinking water supplies.
Watery waste accidentally released from holding pools causes widespread devastation and ele-
vated levels of dangerous substances in surrounding areas. Some observers contend much more
should be done to regulate health- and environment-endangering gas emissions and solid waste
from coal-fired power plants and other industrial sites.
The more efficiently each ton of coal is utilized to generate power, the less CO
, other combus-
tion gases, and solid waste will be produced. Accordingly, improving efficiency is a well-timed
pathway for continued coal use in the twenty-first century. Gradual replacement of existing power
plants, beginning with those several decades old, by more efficient plants will reduce to some
extent gas emissions and solid waste related to coal use.
Various advanced technologies also aim to foster coal use—but used more responsibly. They
include supercritical vapor power plants (Sec. 8.3), carbon capture and storage (Sec. 8.5.3), and
integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plants (Sec. 9.10). Owing to our large coal
reserves and the critical importance of electricity to our society, major governmental and private-sector
initiatives are in progress to develop additional technologies that promote responsible coal use.
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