4 Thermal Engineering Processes Simulation Based on Artificial Intelligence
Zadeh (Zadeh, 1965, 1975) proposed using fuzzy set to quantify the process of
thinking and judgment. Therefore, the fuzzy set theory was created, which
provided a powerful tool for describing and processing fuzziness and
uncertainties of systems and simulating human functions such as fuzzy logic
thinking, judgment and decision-making. In 1973, L.A. Zadeh (Zadeh, 1973)
gave the definition and theorem of a fuzzy logic controller, which laid the
foundation for fuzzy control. In 1974, E.H. Mamdani (Mamdani, 1974) applied
successfully fuzzy logic in the pressure control and the speed control of a boiler
test equipment and a steam turbine engine for the first time, and opened the
research field of fuzzy logic controllers based on the fuzzy language control rules.
In 1979, he developed a self organizing fuzzy controller cooperating with T.J.
Procky (Procky, 1979). This controller could continuously modify control rules to
improve control performance in a control process, so it has good artificial
intelligence. Since then, fuzzy control has been successfully applied in complex
industrial processes, home appliance field, high-tech field and so on. Fuzzy
technology has shown such a great application potentiality that it was called core
technology in the 21st century (Li, 2004; Liu, 1997; Wang, 1987; Li, 1993).
In 1992, Kosko Bart proved that an addition fuzzy system, as a kind of structural
numeric estimator, could approach to any continuous function in compact domain
with any precision (Kosko, 1992a, b); Lixin Wang proved that fuzzy system with
production reasoning, central defuzzification and Gaussian- type membership
function can also approach any real continuous function in any closed subset with
any precision (Wang, 1992); Their research shows that fuzzy systems have strong
ability to express human knowledge, and provide a strong theoretical foundation for
building a fuzzy optimization decision-making and control system.
Fuzzy set theory can quantify human qualitative thinking, judgment and
decision-making. Therefore, when controlling or making decisions, besides the
information measureo directly can be used, the information obtained by human
sensory can be used also. Furthermore, these information are suitable for
computer processing. As the research results around the world, comparing with
the traditional control, fuzzy control based on fuzzy set theory, fuzzy language
variable and fuzzy logic reasoning has the characteristics as follows:
a) Because it uses language as expression method and does not need to build a precise
mathematic model for the controlled process, it can control effectively some complex
industry processes which could not be expressed by an exact mathematic model.
b) For industrial fieldwork operators possessing certain experiences, the control
and decision making methods described by the fuzzy rules are easier to master.
c) Man-machine communication can be realized by the nature language, so
process control can be realized effectively.
d) Dynamic response characteristic of a fuzzy control system is usually better
than conventional PID control, and has better robustness and self-adaptability.