American Isolationism
So certain of the future were
the fair designers that they buried,
through the courtesy of the
Westinghouse Corporation, a time
capsule on the premises, fi lled with
the stuff of daily life: an alarm clock,
a set of alphabet blocks, a Mickey
Mouse plastic cup, comic strips of
Dick Tracy and Little Orphan Annie,
a fi lm of Albert Einstein, copies of
Gone With the Wind and Upton
Sinclair’s Arrowsmith, a piece of
asbestos, and the Lord’s Prayer in 300
languages. It was all there, placed in
a long, sleek, metal cylinder, lowered
into a special well, and sealed with
a large monkey wrench. The time
capsule was intended to be reopened
in the future—the distant prospect
of 5,000 years later, which would be
the year 6939. If the Westinghouse
Corporation was nothing in 1939, it
was hopeful of the world’s future.
The fair seemed stuck on the
future. The most popular pavilion
at the fair was General Motors’
“Futurama.” Inside, each visitor—
28,000 of them daily—was seated
in a special chair on a conveyor
belt. This carried its occupant on
a 15-minute tour, overlooking an
animated scale model, nearly an acre
(0.4 ha) large, of what life would be
like in America in 1960. The ride’s
soothing voice-over promised a bright
tomorrow: “America in 1960 is full
of a tanned and vigorous people
who in 20 years have learned how
to have fun… Cures for cancer and
infantile paralysis have extended
man’s life span and his wife’s skin
is still perfect at the age of 75.” All
those eager visitors, those who stood
in the long, switch-back lines to get a
glimpse of GM’s version of the world
of tomorrow, emerged with a button
pinned to their shirts and blouses,
which simply read: “I have seen the
Yet, even as the fair predicted a
bright future, the immediate future
was clouded with aggression and
war. Within six months of the fair’s
opening, Germany invaded Poland,
bringing Britain and France into an
ever-expanding world confl ict.
city, engaging in barbarous acts of rape, beheading, and dis-
emboweling, and slaughtering innocent Chinese civilians
by the thousands. The “Rape of Nanking” rankled Ameri-
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