World War II
reLentLess aLLieD bombing
One of the longest campaigns of the
war consisted of long-range bombing
raids carried out by both U.S. and
British planes against German civilian
targets. By 1943 U.S. strategic
bombers, alongside British bombers
that had been hitting the Germans
since the previous year, were fl ying
almost daily missions, seeking any
vital targets that might be of use to
Germany, including factories, bridges,
roads, and military installations. Such
raids were eventually carried out both
day and night. Initially, all the planes
were fl ying from air bases in Britain
but, once Italy was largely overrun in
late 1943, U.S. bombers were fl ying
from bases there too. Major German
cities were targeted, with civilian
casualties mounting with each attack.
U.S. planes were equipped
during the war with a new device,
the Norton bombsight, which was
supposed to help bombardiers zero
in on a specifi c target, such as a
factory, while avoiding more innocent
civilian structures, such as homes,
schools, and hospitals. But the sight
gained a reputation for being almost
completely inaccurate.
With the constant bombing over
many months, the Allied raids largely
put German production plants out
of business. Toward the end of the
war, German oil production ceased
and the railroad system was seriously
disrupted so that it could not supply
its army in Normandy. However,
many German factories were still in
operation and German manufacturing
even managed to increase until the
fi nal months of the war. The raids
did not even manage to bring about
their secondary goal—the complete
demoralization of the German
civilian population. They did,
however, deliver widespread damage.
The raids did accomplish one
goal. The Allies had an almost
inexhaustible number of bomber
and fi ghter planes. Even though
the German Luftwaffe managed to
shoot down many planes, they were
never able to match the number of
enemy planes. As the war continued,
the Germans were eventually
forced to conserve both planes
and pilots, leaving the Allies with
some breathing room to carry out
longer range attacks. This was made
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