1.I Purpose
The purpose of this handbook is to provide a mechanically proficient
lay person with sufficient information to evaluate microhydropower site
potential, lay out a site,
select and install equipment, and finally,
operate and maintain the completed system.
The actual construction details
of the site are not included; rather, pointers are given as to what help he
should expect from a construction contractor, and general guidelines on
construction details are provided. In addition, information about
obtaining financing and permits is provided.
To help offset the cost, the
person performing the work,
referred to as the "developer," is encouraged
to do as much of the work as possible.
However, developers with major
areas of uncertainty should consider professional assistance.
The handbook has been written with the aim of keeping the format
simple and straightforward. The reader is encouraged not be intimidated by
what may be unfamiliar or appear too technical.
The handbook assumes that
the reader has little working knowledge of hydropower or the engineering.
concepts behind the use of hydropower.
The reader is encouraged to take
the time to read and understand each section of the handbook, especially
the mathematics, tables, charts, and graphs. A thorough understanding of
the information presented in the handbook will greatly enhance the chances
for a successful development--
one that produces the energy expected and
saves the developer money and time in the long run.
Keep reading and
studying the contents of this handbook; don't give up!!! The mathematical
procedures presented in this handbook are limited to multiplication,
division, and square roots.
More sophisticated procedures may yield
greater accuracy, but for the purposes intended, the procedures presented
should be sufficient.
Figures l-2 and l-3 show simple tools and aids you can use in making
and recording calculations, making sketches, and doing similar work that
will be needed during the site development process.
A pocket calculator
can be of great benefit in performing many of the calculations.
You will
also need a ruler or scale, a triangle, and graph paper or quadrille
paper. Graph paper with 10 divisions to the inch and a scale with the same