intake system made in Section 3.
Are any changes to the preliminary design
If so, make a list of the things you are considering. After
you are satisfied with the preliminary layout, proceed with this subsection.
, Stream Diversion Works.
The ideally designed diversion works
will direct the design flow out of the stream while allowing the stream-
carried debris to float on down the stream.
The works must also function
equally well in low flow and high flow.
freezing occurs, the
intake must be deep enough to prevent ice from restricting flow.
One form of diversion works or penstock intake is a dam across the
A dam or a check may perform well on a canal, but can be a real
source of trouble on a stream.
Unless properly engineered, a dam can easily
wash out, raking the penstock with it.
There is also increased liability
to the developer if the
washes out and causes water damage downstream.
Experience has shown that a diversion works set at 90 degrees in
relation to the stream attracts the least amount of debris and is better .
able to withstand the force and erosion effects of flood waters (see
Figure 4.4-1).
Two modifications are made to the stream itself, Gabion
weirs and deepening the channel at the intake.
These and other features of
the works are discussed below.
Gabion Weir--Two weirs should be placed in the stream on the
same side of the stream as the intake canal.
To steer debris
away from the intake, an upstream weir should be placed 50 to 100
feet above the diversion.
This weir should extend across approx-
imately l/3 of the stream width. The upstream weir should be
angled downstream approximately 20 to 30 degrees.
The second
weir should be downstream from the diversion at a distance approx-
imately two to three times the intake canal width. The down-
stream'weir should be perpendicular to the stream bank, extending
across l/2 the width of the stream.
This weir facilitates the
diversion of water. The weirs are simply piles of large rocks
held together in bundles with chicken wire or something similar.