CB771B-GLOSSARY CB771-Mayr-v2 May 12, 2004 5:3
Kin selection. Selective advantage due to the altruistic interaction of individ-
uals sharing part of the same genotype, such as siblings, sharing very similar
genotypes owing to common descent.
Lebenskraft. An occult force in living organisms responsible for life. Someone
believing in such a force is a vitalist. There is no scientific evidence for the
existence of such a force.
Levels of selection. When the object of selection belongs simultaneously to
two different categories – for example, individual and species. Doubts on the
choice of the objects of selection often arose. In the case of species selection,
to avoid confusion some authors prefer to use species turnover or species
replacement instead of species selection.
Life in the universe. Anything covered by the chosen definition of life, not
merely hominids.
Meiosis. Two consecutive special cell divisions in the developing germ cells,
characterized by the pairing and segregation of homologous chromosomes;
the resulting germ cells have a haploid set of chromosomes.
Mesocosmos. The world from the atoms to the galaxies.
Mimicry. Resemblance in color or structure of members of one species to other
species that are distasteful or poisonous.
Mosaic evolution. Different rates of evolutionary change for different struc-
tures, organs, and other components of the phenotype in the same group of
Neo-Darwinism. The original Darwinian paradigm, except for rejecting an
inheritance of acquired characters.
Norm of reaction. The range of phenotypes produced by a genotype when
interacting with the variable environment.
Ontogeny. The developmental history of an individual organism.
Orthogenesis. The refuted hypothesis that rectilinear trends in evolution are
caused by an intrinsic finalistic principle.
Paleontology. The science that deals with the life of past geological periods.
Paradigm. A system of beliefs, values, and symbolic generalizations that, at a
given time, dominates a science or branch of science.
Parthenogenesis. The production of offspring from unfertilized eggs.
Peripatric speciation. The origin of a new species by budding from a parental
species, which may continue more or less unchanged; achievement of species