CB771B-10 CB771-Mayr-v2 May 28, 2004 15:2
another look at the species problem
enables the protection of harmonious, well-integrated genotypes. It is
this insight on which the BSC is based.
The BSC is most meaningful in local situations where different pop-
ulations in reproductive condition are in contact with each other. The
decision on which of these populations are considered species is not made
on the basis of their degree of difference. They are assigned species sta-
tus on a purely empirical basis – that is, on the observed criterion of
presence or absence of interbreeding. Observations in the local situation
have clearly demonstrated the superior reliability of the interbreeding
criterion over that of degree of difference. This conclusion is supported
by numerous detailed analyses of local biota. I refer, for instance, to the
plants of Concord Township (Mayr 1992a), the birds of North America
(Mayr and Short 1970), and the birds of Northern Melanesia (Mayr and
Diamond 2001). In particular, there is no difficulty when there is a con-
tinuity of populations and gene flow results in genotypic cohesion of the
assemblage of populations. It is this combination of interbreeding and
gene flow that gives a biological species taxon its internal cohesion.
The BSC has a long history. It began with Buffon in 1749 (Sloan
1987) and continued with K. Jordan, E. Poulton, E. Stresemann, and B.
Rensch. It is quite misleading to claim, as was done by some geneticists,
that Dobzhansky was the author of BSC. A number of recent historians
have credited me with the authorship of the BSC. This also is not correct.
My merit was to propose a simple, concise definition that is now almost
universally used in papers dealing with the BSC. But this definition,
more than anything else, favored the acceptance of the BSC.
criticism of the bsc. Why is the BSC, even though so widely
adopted, still so often attacked? An analysis of numerous papers crit-
ical of the BSC leads me to the conclusion that the criticism is almost
invariably due to a failure of the critics to make a clear distinction
between the species category (species concept) and the species taxon.
The BSC (and species definition) deals with the definition of the species