Appendix III
Pipe and Tube Data
This appendix contains pipe and tube data in SI units followed by the same data in
BU. This appendix also includes the Navier-Stokes equations in the cylindrical
and spherical coordinates.
Table A.III.1(SI). Commercial Steel Pipe (Schedule Wall Thickness)............ 1050
Table A.III.2(SI). Commercial Steel Pipe (Nominal Pipe Size, NPS) ............. 1051
Table A.III.3(SI). Tube Data, Birmingham Gauges
to millimeter and inches........................................................................... 1053
Table A.III.1(BU). Pipe Data, Carbon & Alloy Steel ...................................... 1054
Table A.III.2(BU). Tube Data.......................................................................... 1055
Table A.III.4. Navier-Stokes Equations
in the Cylindrical Coordinate System ...................................................... 1056
Table A.III.5. Navier-Stokes Equations
in the Spherical Coordinate System ......................................................... 1056
Table A.III.6. Substantial Derivative and Flow Acceleration Components
(Cylindrical Coordinates)......................................................................... 1057
Table A.III.7. Substantial Derivative and Flow Acceleration Components
(Spherical Coordinates)............................................................................ 1057