46 Chapter 2
is called the gyro or cyclotron frequency and is given by
= eB/m (2.23)
The orbiting radius is called the gyro, cyclotron, or Larmor radius and is given by
= (m/3)(υ
/B) (2.24)
There are a few points to consider when using magnetic fields in plasma processing systems.
First, the use of magnetic fields to manipulate and confine plasmas requires that r
be small
compared to the critical apparatus size such as the chamber dimensions, electrode separations,
or substrate locations. Note that r
depends directly on the mass of the particle and so much
larger magnetic fields are required to influence the motions of the plasma ions compared to the
electrons. For particles of the same velocity subject to a given field, the ion gyro radius will be
at least three orders of magnitude greater than the electron gyro radius. With this in mind,
magnetic fields are generally chosen to be strong enough to influence the plasma electrons, not
the ions. However, since electrostatic forces prevent the ions from escaping from the electrons,
magnetically confined electrons in a discharge will provide considerable confinement for the
plasma ions. Magnetic field strengths between 200 and 300 gauss are common in magnetrons.
For electrons, Eqs. (2.23) and (2.24) become
= (1.76×10
) B rad/s (2.25)
where B is in gauss, and
= 3.37
cm (2.26)
where W
is in eV. Thus, for electrons with an average energy W
of 10 eV and a magnetic
field strength B of 100 G, the gyro radius is ≈ 0.1 cm. For Ar
ions of the same energy, the
gyro radius is ≈ 270 cm. Recall, however, the energy of ions in the bulk plasma are typically in
thermal equilibrium with the surrounding gas and so have a much lower energy than the
electrons. In that case, the gyro radius is approximately 15 cm, still significantly larger than the
An electron that is trapped on a given magnetic field line can advance to an adjacent field line
after colliding with a larger species, as indicated schematically in Figure 2.7(b). Collisional
diffusion of electrons across magnetic field lines is an important consideration in many
discharge devices.