Marine Combat Water Survival
Keep your face out of the water, this allows for free breathing.
This is known as the glide.
Arm action
With your lead arm, pull your arm downward, while flexing at
the elbow, until it is straight down from your shoulder.
Rotate your shoulder and pull your elbow into your side. This
should put your lead hand at shoulder level. At the same time,
turn your palm toward your face and thrust forward to your
original, extended position.
Draw your right hand upward
in front of your chest to shoul-
der level. Rotate your palm
toward your feet, then push it
downward in front of your
body toward your feet to catch
the water.
Push your trail hand back-
ward to its original position
on top of your thigh. (Your trail
hand starts forward and meets your
lead hand at your chest/shoulder.)