MCRP 3-02C
Floating With Inflated Trousers
In warm water, trousers can be used as a primary expedient flota-
tion device. However, in cold water, submerging your head to
remove and inflate your trousers results in heat and energy losses
that negate the benefit of using the trousers as a flotation device.
Once your trousers are inflated, you float motionlessly as if wear-
ing a life preserver. If needed, assume the heat escape lessening
posture (known as the HELP position, see page 1-37) to slow
heat loss. As trousers dry, air leaks out of the legs. To slow this
process, occasionally splash water on the fabric. Reinflate trou-
sers as needed.
Sling Method
The sling method works if you are a strong swimmer or naturally
very buoyant. Take the following steps to inflate trousers using
the sling method:
Take a deep breath,
bend over, and remove
your boots.
NOTE: Retain your boots.
Tie the boot laces to-
gether and suspend the
boots from your blouse
or hang them around
your neck so that they
rest on your chest.