1318 international law
regulatory and behavioural framework. In such a context, particular at-
tention should be devoted to the principle of good governance, which
concerns the benchmarks of good administration and transparent con-
duct and monitoring; the principle of good faith; the principle of consti-
tutionality and institutional balance, including acting within the scope of
functions; the principle of supervision and control with respect to sub-
sidiary organs; the principle of stating reasons for decisions; the principle
of procedural regularity to prevent inter alia abuse of discretionary pow-
ers and errors of fact or law; the principle of objectivity and impartiality,
and the principle of due diligence.
Privileges and immunities
In order to carry out their functions more effectively, states and their
representatives benefit from a variety of privileges and immunities. Inter-
national organisations will also be entitled to the grant of privileges and
immunities for their assets, properties and representatives. The two sit-
uations are not, of course, analogous in practice, since, for example, the
basis of state immunities may be seen in terms of the sovereign equal-
ity of states and reciprocity, while this is not realistic with regard to
organisations, both because they are not in a position of ‘sovereign
See e.g. A. Momirov, Accountability of International Organizations in Post-Conflict Gov-
ernance Missions, The Hague, 2005, and K. Wellens, ‘The Primary Model Rules of Ac-
countability of International Organizations: The Principles and Rules Governing Their
Conduct or the Yardsticks for Their Accountability’, in Proliferation of International Or-
ganizations (eds. N. M. Blokker and H. G. Schermers), Leiden, 2001, p. 433. See also
the Recommended Rules and Practices drafted by the Committee on the Accountabil-
ity of International Organisations and adopted in 2004 at the Berlin Conference of the
International Law Association.
See e.g. Klabbers, Introduction, chapter 8; Reinisch, International Organizations,pp.127
ff.; Amerasinghe, Principles, chapter 10; E. Gaillard and I. Pingel-Lenuzza, ‘International
Organizations and Immunity from Jurisdiction: To Restrict or To Bypass’, 51 ICLQ,
2002, p. 1; M. Singer, ‘Jurisdictional Immunity of International Organizations: Human
Rights and Functional Necessity Concerns’, 36 Va. JIL, 1995, p. 53; C. W. Jenks, Interna-
tional Immunities, London, 1961; J. F. Lalive, ‘L’Immunit
e de Juridiction et d’Execution
des Organisations Internationales’, 84 HR, 1953 III, p. 205; C. Dominic
e, ‘Le Nature et
Etendue de l’Immunit
e des Organisations’ in Festschrift Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern (ed. K.
H. B
ockstiegel), Cologne, 1988, p. 11; Nguyen Quoc Dinh, ‘Les Privil
eges et Immunit
des Organisations Internationales d’apr
es les Jurisprudences Nationales Depuis 1945’,
AFDI, 1957, p. 55; D. B. Michaels, International Privileges and Immunities, The Hague,
1971; Kirgis, International Organizations, pp. 26 ff.; Yearbook of the ILC, 1967, vol. II,
pp. 154 ff.; DUSPIL, 1978, pp. 90 ff. and ibid., 1979, pp. 189 ff., and Morgenstern, Legal
Problems, pp. 5–10.