Control systems for AC variable speed drives 163
The unity displacement factor is achieved by forcing the current waveforms to exactly
follow the fundamental voltage waveform at fundamental frequency, usually 50 Hz. The
in-phase component of current is controlled to maintain the capacitor voltage at a required
level, while the out-of phase (quadrature) component of current can be made to be zero or
leading to give a degree of power-factor correction for other loads.
Using pulse width modulation techniques, the current waveform can be made to be
relatively undistorted (sinusoidal) and the reactive power requirement due to distortion
will also be eliminated. This is assisted by the filtering effect of the line inductance.
An AC frequency converter is designed to control both the voltage and frequency fed to
the motor and is therefore often called a variable voltage variable frequency (VVVF)
controller. The digital control system automates this process. For example, when an
operator selects a speed setting on a potentiometer, the VSD control system implements
this selection by adjusting the output frequency and voltage to ensure that the motor runs
at the set speed. The accuracy of the control system and its response to the operator's
command is determined by the type of control system used on that particular VSD.
The type of control used in VSD control systems follows an approach similar to that
used in normal
industrial process control
. The level of control can be:
Simple open-loop control
, no feedback from the process
Closed-loop control
, feedback of a process variable
Cascade closed-loop control
, feedback from more than one variable
The purpose of an electrical VSD is to convert the electrical energy of the mains power
supply into the mechanical energy of a load at variable speed and torque. In many
applications, VSDs are simply required to control the speed of the load, based on a
setpoint command provided by an operator or a process controller.
Conventional VVVF converters are voltage source devices, which control the
magnitude and frequency of the
output voltage
. The current that flows depends on the
motor conditions and load, these are not controlled by the AC converter, but are the result
of the application of voltage. The only current control that is exercised is to limit the
current when its magnitude reaches a high level, for example at 150% of full load current.
There is no provision made for feedback of speed information from the motor to check
if it is running at the required speed or if it is running at all. If the load torque changes,
and slip increases or decreases, the converter would not adjust its output to compensate
for these changes in the process.
This method of
open-loop control
is adequate for controlling steady-state conditions
and simple applications, such as centrifugal pumps & fans or conveyors, which allow a
lot of time for speed changes from one level to another and where the consequences of
the changes in the process are not severe.
In industry, there are also those more difficult applications, where speed and/or torque
must be continuously and accurately controlled. The required accuracy of the control is
important and can have a large influence on the choice of drive technology. For those
drive applications that require tight dynamic control, closed-loop control is necessary.