because units for physical measurements have high industrial and commercial
as well as scienti®c importance.
The SI unit for the measurement of the activity of a radionuclide is the
becquerel. It has to be used with care because the decay of all radionuclides is
measured in becquerels even though no two of them decay with the emission
of the same mix of radiations as regards their types, energies and intensities.
(For collections of decay data, see e.g. NCRP (1985, Appendix A3) or
Chapter 8 of The Radiochemical Manual (Longworth, 1998) or National
Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) data available over the Internet
(see Appendix 3, Table A3.1). For other references containing collections of
decay data see Section 5.5.1 in this book.)
The fact that no two radionuclides have the same decay characteristics
makes it necessary that an accurate veri®cation of the decay rate of a
radionuclide R has to be made using a standard which is a sample of R. No
other radionuclide will do unless one accepts uncertainties that would be the
larger the less similar the decay schemes.
There are two other characteristics that are speci®c for units and standards
of radioactivity. First, there is the randomness of decay events: equal intervals
of time do not contain exactly equal numbers of decays except by chance.
This important quali®cation affects all measurements of radioactivity. It will
be dealt with in more detail in Sections 6.5.1 and 6.5.2. Second, radioactivity
diminishes with time at a rate determined by the half life of each radionuclide
(Section 1.3.2). For a number of radionuclides the half life exceeds 10
when the decay rate is imperceptibly small even over decades. Many others
decay at a rate such that calibrated samples cease to be useful within days or
hours after they were prepared (see e.g. Figure 1.5).
Decay rates measured in becquerels (Eq. (2.1)) refer not only to nuclear
transformations such as that from
S (Section 1.4.3), but also to other
types of decays to be dealt with in later chapters and brie¯y noted below:
Isomeric decays (Section 1.5.2), when the daughter of a radionuclide created in an
excited state de-excites to its ground state subject to a readily measurable half life,
e.g. the decay of
Ba to
Ba when T
= 2.55 m (Figure 3.4(c)).
Parent nuclides decaying to radioactive daughters, e.g.
Sr decaying to
Y (Section
1.5.1), when a stated activity, e.g. 10 kBq applies onl y to the parent, i.e.
Sr. The
activity of the daughter,
Y, is disregarded unless otherwise stated, e.g. 10 kBq
Sr +
Numerous radionuclides follow two or even three decay paths. An example of the
latter is copper-64 (
Cu, Z = 29, T
= 12.8 hours, Figure 3.13(b)). A hundred
decays of
Cu are made up, on average and in rounded ®gures, of 38 b
decays (to
zinc-64, Z = 30), 18 b
decays and 44 electron capture decays (both to nickel-64,
2.2 Units and standards of radioactivit y 33