kinetic energy to overcome the repulsive forces between equally charged
Protons (Z = 1) require several million electronvolts of kinetic energy to
enter even low Z number nuclei. Alpha particles (Z = 2) require considerably
higher energies. The following are typical reactions initiated by protons or a
particles: (p,n), (p,4n), (a,n), (a,2n). The ®rst letter names the captured
particle; the second letter names the particle or particles emitted immediately
following the capture. A (p,n) or (a,n) reaction leads to the loss of a neutron
from the target nucleus, so decreasing n/p as required.
These reactions are effected by high-energy particle accelerators such as
cyclotrons which transfer suf®cient energy to protons or a particles to permit
them to penetrate into positively charged nuclei as required. Alpha particles
emitted from radionuclides can also have suf®cient energy to cause (a,n)
reactions in low Z number nuclides such as beryllium (Z = 4), which permits
the production of portable neutron sources that are very useful in a number
of applications (Sections 1.3.6 and 7.4.2).
Positron emitters for nuclear medicine
Neutron-poor radionuclides decay by electron capture or with the emission
of positrons. At present it is practitioners of nuclear medicine who are among
the principal users of positron emitters for a procedure known as positron
emission tomography (PET).
When destined for medical use positron emitters are produced in cyclotrons
located in the grounds of a hospital. This is done because of the very short
half lives of the positron emitters of greatest clinical interest: carbon-11
= 20m), nitrogen-13 (T
= 10m), oxygen-15 (T
= 2m) and ¯uorine-18
= 110m). The clinical interest arises in part from the fact that the
nuclides, except ¯uorine-18, are constituents of organic molecules partici-
pating in body metabolism. When activated, these short-lived radionuclides
are incorporated into pharmaceutical substances as radiotracers for investiga-
tions of cancers and of metabolic malfunction, especially in the brain. The
fourth element normally present in metabolic reactions is hydrogen.
Fluorine-18 has proved itself an effective replacement for hydrogen which
has no suitable radioisotope.
Carbon-11, as well as
O and
F, can be produced by relatively low
energy proton beams (~ 6 MeV). Other neutron-poor, medically important
radionuclides, e.g. gallium-67 (T
= 3.26 d), iodine-123 (T
= 13.21 h) or
thallium-201 (T
= 3.04 d), are produced with higher energy proton beams,
up to around 30 MeV. Having suf®ciently long half lives, they can then be
distributed to the nuclear medicine departments which require them.
1.4 Activation processes 23