neutrons are not emitted singly from radioactive nuclei but combined into a
single particle, the a particle.
Another measure of the instability of a radionuclide is its half life, the
magnitude of which is a characteristic of each radionuclide with no two
having the same value. It is de®ned as follows. On starting at time t
with a
sample of N radioactive atoms of the same radionuclide, let this number be
reduced by radioactive decay to N/2 at time t
. The half life, written T
de®ned as equal to the interval t
7 t
. Measured half lives of radionuclides
range from small fractions of a microsecond to 10
years and even longer.
1.3.3 From natural to man-made radioisotopes
In the ®rst 35 years following the discovery of radioactivity the only radio-
nuclides available for experimentation were those occurring naturally. This
changed with the coming of high-voltage accelerators during the early 1930s.
It then began to be realised that all elements could have radioactive isotopes,
which came to be known as radioisotopes.
The ®rst experimentally produced radioisotopes were prepared during the
early 1930s by Frederic and Irene Joliot-Curie (the daughter of Marie Curie)
at the University of Paris. They caused a particle projectiles to interact with
the atoms in a thin foil of boron so producing atoms of nitrogen-13 with a
half life of 10 minutes, a discovery for which the 1934 Nobel Prize in
Chemistry was awarded, the third for the Curie family.
To penetrate into positively charged nitrogen nuclei, the positively charged
a particles have to overcome strong Coulomb repulsion, making this process
very inef®cient. Meanwhile, in February 1932 in Rutherford's laboratory,
J. Chadwick had discovered the neutron. It was not long thereafter that
Enrico Fermi, Professor of Physics at the University of Rome, Italy, realised
that neutrons, being uncharged, would be unaffected by the Coulomb barrier
and so could penetrate into atomic nuclei to effect radioactivation with much
higher ef®ciencies than was possible for a particles.
Experimenting throughout the mid-1930s, Fermi and his collaborators
demonstrated that neutrons emitted from a radium±beryllium source
(Section 1.4.4), could produce radioisotopes of most stable elements (see Eq.
(1.1), Section 1.4.3). To their surprise, radioactivation was more ef®cient
when caused by low-energy (slow) than by high-energy (fast) neutrons.
However, they just failed to discover that neutron penetration into uranium
did not cause uranium atoms to turn into atoms of a neighbouring element,
but caused some of its nuclei to break up, ®ssion, with the release of large
amounts of energy.
1.3 Nuclei, nuclear stability and radiations 11