32 L. Norberto López de Lacalle and A. Lamikiz
tions before the tool reaches the next positions. The higher the machine feed is, the
further ahead the blocks must be processed.
• The interpolator. This is the most intelligent CNC function, when 3D, 5D (usu-
ally three translations and two tool orientations) or even multi-axis trajectories
must be converted into axis positions. The high precision required leads inter-
polator to make calculations at every few microns along toolpaths. Calculation
methods are spatial transformations using homogeneous matrices, tool radius
compensation and other geometrical corrections (see Chap. 5).
• Axes control. When the position to be reached is obtained by the interpolator the
speed of each axis motor is also obtained. The speed value is the input for the
motor drive. Through control techniques, PDI being the simplest, motion in each
axis is kept up to the real position reaches the target position. Therefore there
must be a position measurement device, an encoder or a linear scale shown in
Fig. 1.19, to know the real axis position at any given time.
• The user interface. This is today a decisive selling factor due to the high com-
plexity of machines and operations to be done. Users need on-line assistance
utilities to make programs free of errors for the new developed machines. Ma-
chines for special applications, like tool grinders or gear shapers or the new
multi-task machines (see Figs. 1.3 and 1.4), require programming utilities
which enable users to generate machining programs for complex parts.
• The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) which is included in the same hard-
ware architecture today with the rest of the control cards, for enabling
a high speed communication with the basic NC modules. PLC controls the auxil-
iary machine functions (generally coded as M functions in ISO), running
a program implemented by the machine builder and taking into account the value
of digital inputs collected from simple sensors placed in the machine. The PLC
digital outputs are connected to switches or electrovalves to command the tool
magazines, the coolant circuit, the pallets transfer system and other auxiliary de-
vices. Another important surveillance function is related to the end-of-stroke
switches, placed at the ends of all guides to prevent moveable components from
leaving the slideways: when a microswitch detects a sliding component is on an
end-of-stroke the PLC immediately stops the axis feed motor.
Nowadays, control manufacturers produce two or three basic CNC platforms
which can include several options for different kinds of machines. Therefore the
machine tool manufacturer must adapt them to each specific machine model, fol-
lowing several steps:
1. The definition of machine axes in relation to CNC ones, giving also the positive
and negative senses and strokes of each axis.
2. Control parameters of each axis must be adjusted to the machine dynamics.
3. PLC programming for each machine model with its user options.
4. Customization of the user interface. General CNC control models are prepared
for the milling machines, lathes or universal grinders most commonly sold.
However, for specific applications special help utilities to prepare NC programs
are absolutely necessary.