The constant expansion of the SS forced Himmler repeatedly to adapt its
command structures. In 1935 he had, as mentioned above, already promot-
ed the three SS Section Offices (A
mter) to Main Offices (Haupta
mter). Now
he made further decisions.
In November 1936 he expanded the chief
adjutant’s office, headed by Karl Wolff, into the ‘Personal Staff of the
hrer-SS’. Wolff was given the rank of ‘Chief of Staff ’.
The actual
adjutancy, headed by Werner Grothmann, was now part of the Personal
Staff, as were a Personal Department of the Reichsfu
hrer-SS (under Rudolf
Brandt), a Chancellery of the Reichsfu
hrer-SS, and a gradually increasing
number of departments and divisions that in part had a connecting function
to the other Main Offices. When in 1939 the Personal Staff was declared a
Main Office, Himmler named Wolff retroactively as Head of the Main
Office, and in so doing underlined the particular position Wolff’s post had
acquired during the previous years.
In addition, a series of departmental
heads in the SS Main Office were given posts in Himmler’s Personal Staff
and thus were visibly upgraded. For example, Pohl, head of the administra-
tive department in the SS Main Office, was simultaneously ‘administrative
director’ of the SS and the head of the medical department, and was given
the title ‘Reich Medical Officer SS’.
On 9 November 1936 Himmler also redefined the role of the Ober-
hrer: now they were assigned to the three Main Offices (and no
longer only to the office of the R eichsfu
hrer-SS and the SS Main Office),
and thus had the task at regional level ‘of safeguarding the unity of the SS
order as a whole in accordance with the guidelines laid down by me’, as
Himmler put it. ‘I expect of my Oberabschnittsfu
hrer that they will not
regard this first and foremost as a boost to their power but rather that, as
National Socialists and SS men, they will devote themselves to their new
and wide-ranging task with a high degree of responsibility and with respect
for the great and sometimes neglected achievements of the organizations—
the Security Service and the Race and Settlement office—that are put under
their direction.’
The Race and Settlement Main Office under Walter Darre
had since
1935 consisted of five departments: the Central Office, the R acial Office
(where racial research was conducted), the Indoctrination Office, the Clan
Office (responsible for the selection of applicants and permissions to marry),
and the Settlement Office.
The actual headquarters for the SS leadership
was the SS Main Office, originally responsible for leadership, administra-
tion, personnel administration, and the SS court. After 1933 it accumulated
ideology and religious cult 257