The greater form of love is the sublimated love between man and man. It’s that that
has produced the greatest achievements in world history’ [ . . . ] That’s the line that’s
now being served up to young people in an easily digestible form, young people who
are already in what is really a very masculinized movement and who, as a result of
being in male camps, have no opportunity of meeting girls. In my view we needn’t
be surprised that we have gone down the road towards homosexuality.
In the next section of his speech Himmler went on to apply the notion of
‘an erotic male association’ to one of his main opponents: Christianity. ‘I’m
convinced that the priesthood and the whole of Christianity basically
amounts to an eroticized male society for the purpose of upholding and
maintaining this 2,000-year-old Bolshevism.’ One had to assume, Himmler
continued, that while more than 50 per cent of the country clergy were not
homosexual, in the monasteries the figure for homosexuality was 90 to 100
per cent:
But I hope that in four years’ time we shall have proved that the majority of the
organization of the church: its leadership, its priesthood, represents a homosexual,
erotic mal e society, which on this basis has terrorized humanity for 1,800 years, has
required from it large sacrifices of blood and in the past has issued sadistically
perverse statements. I need only refer to the trials of witches and heretics.
The attitude which denigrates women is typically Christian, and we, as National
Socialists, have adopted this kind of think ing right up to the present time—in some
cases as solid heathens—without realizing it [ . . . ] I’m also aware of a certain
tendency in our ranks to try to exclude women from all events and festivals. The
same people complain that here or there women are clinging to the churches or
have not been won over 100 per cent to National Socialism. But they shouldn’t
complain, given that they treat women as second-class human beings and above all
keep them from participating in our internal activities [ ...]
It’s up to us to be clear about the fact that our movement, our ideology will be
able to survive if it’s supported by women, for men grasp things with their reason,
whereas women grasp everything with their emotions. The greatest sacrifices in the
witch and heretic trials were made by German women and not by men. The clerics
knew very well why they burnt 5,000–6,000 women because they were emotion-
ally loyal to the old know ledge and the old doctrine and emotionally and instinc-
tively were not prepared to abandon it, whereas the men, on the basis of logi cal
thinking, had already come to terms with the fact: there’s no point any more.
We’ve been politically defeated. I give in. I’ll let myself be baptized.
After this brief digression Himmler returned to his central theme: ‘In my
view there is too much masculinization in our whole movement, and this
exaggerated masculinization provides fertile soil for homosexuality.’ Then,
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