dynamometry [113], optical force measurements [114] or line-shape analysis of
Bragg peaks [115–118] have been applied. Depending on the applied experimental
technique, the reported bending rigidity K
values show some scatter, but are
usually in the range of 10
J for phospholipid bilayers.
3.2. Domains-Rafts
Biological membranes are compounds of several lipid components (and proteins,
sugars, etc.). Thus, often binary or ternary mixtures of synthetic lipids are studied in
order to address the complex lipid composition in natural membranes. The mixtures
then have to accommodate the properties of the individual components, which may
lead to a demixing or formation of lipid domains. In turn, a demixing of lipid
components may also be induced by interactions with membrane active com-
pounds, such as, peptides [36,119]. Lipid domains have been observed in model
systems already some time ago [120–123]. However, due their possible implication
in several cellular functions in natural membranes, such as endocytosis, protein
trafficking and signal transduction [124,125], domains or better ‘‘rafts’’ as they are
called these days have recently seen a tremendous increase of research interest. Again
it is important to realize the different time and length scales. Domain formation may
occur as a dynamic process at short-time and small-length scales, respectively. In this
case, the formed domains are small in size and not stable but constantly create and
dissipate and are often referred to as micro-domains (Fig. 11A).
On the other hand, lipid molecules may also segregate and form large areas
composed of single lipids that are stable over longer timescales. This type of do-
mains is often referred to as macroscopic domains. It is, however, important to note
that in the thermodynamic limit only the latter case of domain formation may be
called a phase separation. A lack of this strict distinction has led to severe
controversies in literature with the most prominent example being binary mixtures
of phospholipids with cholesterol. Early phase diagrams [126], based on NMR data
[127], show the existence of a miscibility gap within the fluid phase of
phospholipid/cholesterol mixtures. This fluid–fluid phase separation has been sup-
ported by several further experimental studies such as, [128–131]. Although
McMullen and McElhaney [130] criticized using the terminology of phase diagram
in the context of lipid/cholesterol binary mixtures, their differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC) data clearly showed the co-existence of two phases in a certain
composition range, which can be interpreted according to [126] as the L
disordered) and L
(liquid-ordered) phases, where the latter phase is induced at high
cholesterol concentrations due to its rigid character. In contrast, groups using other
techniques, such as X-ray diffraction [132] or more recently fluorescent microscopy
[133] found no direct evidences for phase-coexistence in such binary mixtures.
Only stable and large domains within the fluid phase have been reported in ternary
mixtures of lipids with cholesterol, using similar techniques [133–135].
While these more recent results will most likely lead to a revision of the original
phase diagrams of binary cholesterol/lipid mixtures, there is another general lesson
to learn from this example. Global techniques, such as, X-ray (or neutron) diffrac-
tion, or fluorescence microscopy average over a large period in time and hence are
K. Lohner et al.120