that the relative intensities of the phonon-assisted peaks and the green band depend
markedly on the electrical conductivity of the samples, the intensities of the two peaks
becoming nearly equal at high conductivities.
It has also been shown that the
conductivity of ZnO is affected strongly by excess Zn, with the conductivity increasing
rapidly with increasing Zn concentration.
Similar studies show that the conductivity of
GaN decreases with increasing N concentration.
These similarities suggest that the
green band in ZnO and the yellow band in GaN may be associated with a related defect
The stoichiometry considerations discussed above suggest certain point defects as
viable candidates for the yellow band in GaN and the green band in ZnO. That is, in
Ga-rich GaN, we would expect high quantities of the N vacancy V
, Ga interstitial Ga
and/or the Ga antisite Ga
. In Zn-rich ZnO, the analogous defe cts would be V
. Recent theoretical calculations
in GaN predict shallow donor states for V
but mid-gap unfilled levels for Ga
. The latter defect could presumably act as a double
donor or double acceptor since the neutral state contains two electrons in a four fold
degenerate level. Thus, from this point of view, it is possible that the yellow band in GaN
involves Ga
, and the green band in ZnO involves Zn
Experiments by Ogino and Aoki
and by Hofmann et al.
suggest that the yellow
band in GaN results from the recombination between a shallow donor and a deep level.
The complex nature of the deep level is unclear. Ogino and Aoki
propose a com plex
consisting of a Ga vacancy and a C on a N site (C
). Hofmann et al.
propose that the
deep level may be a double donor though an acceptor cannot be ruled out. Suski et al.
suggest that the deep level is an antisite (N
). Neugebauer and Van de Walle
report that
their calculations show that the complex consisting of a Ga vacancy and C
as well as the
are thermodynamically unstable.
They propose that the deep level is a Ga vacancy or related complex. It is clear that a
consensus has not been reached on the make-up of the deep level.
A modulated structure is observed on the high energy side of both the green band in
ZnO and the yellow band in GaN as shown in Figure 2.20. The modulated structure
can be explained from the model shown in Figure 2.21. The PL emission results from
the recombination b etween the shallow donor l evel and the deep level. Hot electrons
in the conduction band are pumped up by the HeCd excitation s ource. Peaks in the PL
emission band occur wheneve r the energy of the PL peak coincides with the sum of
the energies of the donor level plus an integral multiple of a principal optical phonon
energy. At adjacent energy values an equilibrium number of electrons will arrive at the
donor level and thus take part in the recombination with the deep level. The deep level
will also have accompanying excited states due to interaction with local vibrational
modes as well as lattice modes. It would be expected that the dominant transition
would occur between the shallow donor and the ground state of the deep level.
Transitions w ill also occur between the shallow donor and the excited states of the
deep level, with reduced oscillator strengths. This model a grees with the model
proposed by Ogino and Aoki
andbyHofmannet al.
for GaN and has the added
advantage tha t it can explain the wid th o f t he emission band. The width of the yellow
band in GaN and the green band in ZnO is extremely broad and wou ld not be
explained by the width of the impurity levels. The energy separation between the
modulated peaks in ZnO and GaN corresponds to the longitudinal optical phonon
Similarities in the Photoluminescence Mechanisms of ZnO and GaN 49