Combustion Performance 173
5.8 Bluff-Body Flameholders
Bluff-body ameholders are widely used to stabilize ames in owing
combustible mixtures, and their many practical applications include ram-
jet and turbojet afterburner systems. The practical importance of bluff-body
stabilizers has given rise to a large number of theoretical and experimental
studies. Much of our present understanding of the ame stabilization pro-
cess is due to the pioneering studies carried out in the 1950s by Longwell
et al. [27], Zukowski and Marble [28], Barrère and Mestre [29], De Zubay
[30], and Spalding [31]. More recent studies include those of Lefebvre et al.
[20–24,32–34], whose work culminated in equations for predicting stability
limits in terms of bluff-body dimensions, blockage ratio, and the pressure,
temperature, velocity, turbulence properties, and equivalence ratio of the
incoming fresh mixture. Plee and Mellor [35] have successfully correlated
lean blowout data for bluff-body stabilized ames, using a characteristic-
time model.
5.8.1 experimental Findings on Bluff-Body Flame Stabilization
The ameholding properties of bluff-body stabilizers have been studied
extensively for both homogeneous gaseous fuel–air mixtures and for com-
bustion zones supplied with heterogeneous mixtures of fuel drops and air. Homogeneous Mixtures
Ballal and Lefebvre [32] investigated the effects of inlet air temperature,
pressure, velocity, and turbulence on the lean blowout performance of ame-
holders supplied with homogeneous mixtures of gaseous propane and air.
The apparatus employed comprised a ameholder in the form of a hollow
cone that was located at the center of a circular pipe with its apex pointing
upstream. Fourteen geometrically similar conical bafes were manufactured
to various sizes and used in conjunction with three different pipe diameters
to allow the effects of bafe size and blockage ratio to be studied indepen-
dently over wide ranges of operating conditions.
The inuence of ameholder size on blowout limits is illustrated in
Figure 5.16. In this gure, measured values of weak extinction equivalence
ratio are shown plotted against ameholder diameter for two different levels
of approach stream velocity and three different values of blockage, B
. (Note
that B
is dened as the ratio of the ameholder cross-sectional area to that
of the pipe.) The improvement in stability with an increase in ameholder
diameter is attributed to the longer residence time of the reactants in the
recirculation zone. Figures 5.17 and 5.18 contain similar data to illustrate the
effects of inlet air temperature and approach velocity on lean blowout limits.
All the experimental data obtained by Ballal and Lefebvre [32] are consistent