production of, 243
and soil consistence, 233, 236
Time domain reflectometry (TDR), 307–308
merits and limitations of, 313
Time moment analysis, 501
Tortuosity, 468
gas (ξ
), 368
of soil pores, 467
water (ξ
), 368
Total porosity (f
), 22, 155
Total soil-moisture potential (Φ
components of, 323–331
under field conditions, 331–333
units of measurement for, 323
Trace gases, importance in Earth’s atmosphere, 559
Transient binding agents, 111–113
Transient evaporation, 446–447
Transient methods
for measurement of K
, 544
for measuring soil’s hydraulic function, 391–392
Transmission pores, 152, 154
formation of, 155
Transmission technique, 215
Transverse dispersion, 472
Travel time analysis, 501
Triaxial shearing test, 201–202
Tropical soils, measuring structural sta- bility of, 131
Turbidity/slaking test, 127
Turbulence, 468
Two parallel plate model, 641
Two-region anion exclusion model, 491–492
Two-region model (TRM) parameters, 503–507
Two-site nonequilibrium transport model, 491–492
Unconfined compression test, 202
Uniformity coefficient, 44
Unit conversion factors, 672
Unit conversions, 676
for soil and water potential, 679
Unsaturated flow
application of continuity equation to, 384
application of Richards equation to, 386
flux density in, 382
functions of, 379
mechanisms of, 380–382
versus saturated flow, 381
across soil core, 382
total outflow rate of, 385
using Darcy–Buckingham equation to determine, 382–383
Index 678